Please post this announcement to the comp-neuro list. Thanks a lot!
Yiota Poirazi
The title of the individual research project at CBL is:
"Clustered plasticity and network emergent states"
The fellow will focus on the mathematical investigation and machine-learning classification of collective electrical properties, emerging in neuronal networks coupled to multielectrode arrays and neuroelectronic hybrids. Specifically, he/she will first use patch clamp recordings to study the passive and active electrophysiological properties of neurons in in vitro neuronal networks as well as the presence of synaptic currents following electrical stimulation. In addition, different stimulation protocols will be applied to study whether neuronal networks express specific types of plasticity. We are mostly interested in identifying stimuli that are predicted theoretically to give rise to highly interconnected neuronal sub-networks.
He/she will then explore the consequences of clustered plasticity rules in conductance-based model neurons. Modeling studies will be performed using the NEURON simulation environment in order to build a network of detailed compartmental models of neurons, where synapses capable of exhibiting plasticity properties like the ones recorded in the physiological experiments will be incorporated. Models will be used to generate predictions about how specific stimuli delivered either to randomly selected neurons in a distributed manner throughout the model system or to nearby neurons in a specific location (clustered) of the model system could alter the electrical and/or structural properties of the network.
The methodologies to be used in this project include patch-clamp recordings and computational modelling, therefore the fellow should ideally have previous training in both or either of these techniques.
According to the eligibility criteria, the fellow MUST NOT
1. be a Greek citizen,
2. have resided or carried out his/her main activity (work, studies, etc.) in
3. have worked in a research position / received research training for more than 5 years of his/her undergraduate degree.
Start date: Immediately
Candidates that match the required profile will be continuously interviewed until the position is filled. Candidates should send a resume and two (2) reference letters to poirazi[at] If possible, recommendations should be send by the referees directly by email at poirazi[at]
-- Panayiota Poirazi, Ph.D. Research Associate Professor Computational Biology Laboratory Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (IMBB) Foundation of Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH) Vassilika Vouton P.O.Box 1385 GR 711 10 Heraklion, Crete GREECE Tel: +30 2810 391139 Fax: +30 2810 391101 Εmail: URL:
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