Sunday, March 31, 2013

[Comp-neuro] Course on parallelizing NEURON models

Who should take the course on parallelizing NEURON models that
we are planning to present June 26-30 at the Institute for Neural
Computation at UCSD? Any NEURON user who:

* wants to use all of the computational power of their own multicore
laptop or desktop PC or Mac, in order to run simulations more
quickly--gain an N-fold speedup on an N-core machine!

* has a model optimization or parameter space exploration problem
that requires hundreds or thousands of time-consuming simulations

* has a model that is too complex for a single PC or Mac, and wants
to take advantage of high performance parallel computing resources

This course will address topics that include:
* installing NEURON on a wide variety of parallel supercomputers
* parallelizing network models that involve spike-triggered synaptic
transmission and/or gap junctions
* using "bulletin board style parallelization" for embarassingly
parallel problems such as parameter space exploration
* ensuring that simulation results are independent of the number of
processors or how cells are distributed over the processors
* implementing reproducible randomness (and why it is essential)
* measure performance
* achieving load balance (a key factor in maximizing performance)
* debugging parallel models
* using remote high-performance computing resources

Applicants who sign up and pay by Friday, April 12, will qualify for
the early bird registration fee of $1200. After April 12, the fee
goes back up to $1350. Registration is limited, and the last day
to sign up is Friday, May 24. For more information and the on-line
application form, see
or contact
ted dot carnevale at yale dot edu
Comp-neuro mailing list

Friday, March 29, 2013

[Comp-neuro] New book: Selected Papers of Daniel Amit (1938–2007)


World Scientific Publishing Company

edited by Nicolas Brunel (University of Chicago, Chicago, USA), Paolo
del Giudice (Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy), Stefano Fusi
(Columbia University, New York, USA), Giorgio Parisi (Università la
Sapienza, Rome, Italy), & Misha Tsodyks (Weizmann Institute, Rehovot,

This book provides a selection of papers of the late Daniel Amit
(1938–2007). Daniel Amit was a physicist who spent the last 22 years of
his life working on neural network models. He was one of the pioneers in
the field. The volume contains 21 papers, from the highly influential
1985 paper on the Hopfield model (published together with Hanoch
Gutfreund and Haim Sompolinsky), to his last (unpublished) manuscript.
Many of these papers are landmark papers in the field. The book also
provides a biography; an introduction on Daniel Amit's scientific career
before the Hopfield model; and introductions to each of the included
papers, written by their co-authors. This book will be of interest to
physicists, computational neuroscientists and neurobiologists.

Contents: Introduction; The Hopfield Model; A Network Counting Chimes;
Associative Memory Networks at Low Rates; Towards Networks of Spiking
Neurons; The Miyashita Correlations; Learning in Networks with Discrete
Synapses; The BBS Review; Dynamics of Networks of Spiking Neurons;
Electronic Implementations; Prospective Activity; Multi-Item Working
Memory; Learning with Spike-Driven Plastic Synapses; Familiarity
Recognition; Unpublished Manuscript.

Readership: Researchers in computational neuroscience and statistical

484pp Pub. date: Jan 2013

ISBN: 978-981-4383-65-3 US$148 / £98

Comp-neuro mailing list

[Comp-neuro] Cognitive Computation journal (Springer): Table of Contents, Vol.5, No.1 / March 2013 Issue

Dear Colleagues: (with advance apologies for any cross-postings)

We are delighted to announce the publication of Volume 5, No.1/March 2013,
of Springer's Cognitive Computation journal -

The main part of this Issue comprises a Special Issue titled: Computational
Intelligence and Applications, Guest Editors: Zhigang Zeng & Haibo He,
which is followed by a number of regular papers.

The individual list of published articles (Table of Contents) for Vol.
5, No. 1 / March 2013, can be viewed here (and also at the end of this
message, followed by an overview of the previous Issues/Archive

A list of the most downloaded articles (which can always be read for
FREE) can be found here:

Other 'Online First' published articles not yet in a print issue can
be viewed here:

All previous Volumes and Issues of the journal can be viewed here:

NEW: First ISI Impact Factor for Cognitive Computation of 1.000 for 2011!
As you will know, last year, Cognitive Computation was selected for
coverage in Thomson Reuter's products and services. Beginning with V.1
(1) 2009, this publication is now indexed and abstracted in:
♦ Science Citation Index Expanded (also known as SciSearch®)
♦ Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition
♦ Current Contents®/Engineering Computing and Technology
♦ Neuroscience Citation Index®
Cognitive Computation also received its first Impact Factor of
1.000 (Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports® 2011) in 2011

Reminder: New Cognitive Computation "LinkedIn" Group:
To further strengthen the bonds amongst the interdisciplinary audience
of Cognitive Computation, we have set-up a "Cognitive Computation
LinkedIn group", which has over 500 members already! We warmly
invite you to join us at:

For further information on the journal and to sign up for electronic
"Table of Contents alerts" please visit the Cognitive Computation
homepage: or follow us on Twitter at: for the latest On-line First Issues.

For any questions with regards to LinkedIn and/or Twitter, please
contact Springer's Publishing Editor: Dr. Martijn Roelandse:

Finally, we would like to invite you to submit short or regular papers
describing original research or timely review of important areas - our
aim is to peer review all papers within approximately six weeks of receipt.

We also welcome relevant high quality proposals for Special Issues -
five are already planned for 2013-14, including a new special issue to
celebrate the work of the late Professor John Taylor, founding Chair
of Cognitive Computation's Editorial Advisory Board.

With our very best wishes for the New Year to all aspiring readers and
authors of
Cognitive Computation,

Professor Amir Hussain, PhD (Editor-in-Chief: Cognitive Computation)
E-mail: (University of Stirling, Scotland, UK)
Professor Igor Aleksander, PhD (Honorary Editor-in-Chief: Cognitive Computation)
(Imperial College, London, UK)

Table of Contents Alert -- Cognitive Computation Vol 5 No 1, March 2013

Special Issue: Computational Intelligence and Applications
Guest Editors: Zhigang Zeng & Haibo He

Special Issue Editorial: Computational Intelligence and Applications
Zhigang Zeng, Haibo He

Non-blind Image Deblurring from a Single Image
Bo Zhao, Wensheng Zhang, Huan Ding & Hu Wang

Using Neural Networks and Self-Organizing Maps for Image Connecting
Yi Ding, Tianjiang Wang & Xian Fu

Clustering-Based Extraction of Near Border Data Samples for Remote
Sensing Image Classification
Xiaoyong Bian, Tianxu Zhang, Xiaolong Zhang, LuXin Yan & Bo Li

Stochastic Hybrid System with Polynomial Growth Coefficients
Lizhu Feng, Feng Jiang & Feng Li

Hopf Bifurcation of a Modified Leslie--Gower Predator--Prey System
Wei Liu & Chaojin Fu

Swarm Intelligence: Based Cooperation Optimization of Multi-Modal Functions
Qin Tang, Yi Shen, Chengyu Hu, Jianyou Zeng & Wenyin Gong

Deformation Prediction of Landslide Based on Improved Back-propagation
Neural Network
Huangqiong Chen & Zhigang Zeng


Improving Visual Saliency by Adding 'Face Feature Map' and 'Center Bias'
Sophie Marat, Anis Rahman, Denis Pellerin, Nathalie Guyader & Dominique Houzet

Visual Saliency from Image Features with Application to Compression
P. Harding & N. M. Robertson

Counterfactuals, Computation, and Consciousness
Mark Muhlestein

Reverse Engineering of Biochemical Reaction Networks Using
Co-evolution with Eng-Genes
Padhraig Gormley, Kang Li, Olaf Wolkenhauer, George W. Irwin & Dajun Du

A New Face Database Simultaneously Acquired in Visible, Near-Infrared
and Thermal Spectrums
Virginia Espinosa-Duró, Marcos Faundez-Zanuy & Ji?í Mekyska

Biometric Applications Related to Human Beings: There Is Life beyond Security
Marcos Faundez-Zanuy, Amir Hussain, Jiri Mekyska, Enric Sesa-Nogueras,
Enric Monte-Moreno, Anna Esposito, Mohamed Chetouani, Josep
Garre-Olmo, Andrew Abel, Zdenek Smekal & Karmele Lopez-de-Ipiña

A Neural Mechanism for Reward Discounting: Insights from Modeling
Hippocampal-Striatal Interactions
Patryk A. Laurent

Previous Issues/Archive: Overview:

All previous Volumes and Issues can be viewed here:

Alternatively, the full listing of the Inaugural Vol. 1, No. 1 / March
2009, can be
viewed here (which included invited authoritative reviews by leading
researchers in their areas - including keynote papers from London
University's John Taylor, Igor Aleksander and Stanford University's
James McClelland, and invited papers from Ron Sun, Pentti Haikonen,
Geoff Underwood, Kevin Gurney, Claudius Gross, Anil Seth and Tom

The full listing of Vol. 1, No. 2 / June 2009, can be viewed here
(which included invited reviews and original research contributions
from leading researchers, including Rodney Douglas, Giacomo Indiveri,
Jurgen Schmidhuber, Thomas Wennekers, Pentti Kanerva and Friedemann

The full listing of Vol.1, No. 3 / Sep 2009, can be viewed here:

The full listing of Vol. 1, No. 4 / Dec 2009, can be viewed here:

The full listing of Vol.2, No. 1 / March 2010, can be viewed here:

The full listing of Vol.2, No. 2 / June 2010, can be viewed here:

The full listing of Vol.2, No. 3 / Aug 2010, can be viewed here:

The full listing of Vol.2, No. 4 / Dec 2010, can be viewed here:

The full listing of Vol.3, No.1 / Mar 2011 (Special Issue on:
Saliency, Attention, Active Visual Search and Picture Scanning, edited
by John Taylor and Vassilis Cutsuridis), can be viewed here:
The Guest Editorial can be viewed here:

The full listing of Vol.3, No.2 / June 2011 can be viewed here:

The full listing of Vol. 3, No. 3 / Sep 2011 (Special Issue on:
Cognitive Behavioural Systems, Guest Edited by: Anna Esposito,
Alessandro Vinciarelli, Simon Haykin, Amir Hussain and Marcos
Faundez-Zanuy), can be viewed here:
The Guest Editorial for the special issue can be viewed here:

The full listing of Vol. 3, No. 4 / Dec 2011 can be viewed here:

The full listing of Vol. 4, No.1 / Mar 2012 can be viewed here:

The full listing of Vol. 4, No.2 / June 2012 can be viewed here:

The full listing of Vol. 4, No.3 / Sep 2012 (Special Issue on: Computational
Creativity, Intelligence and Autonomy, Edited by: J. Mark Bishop and
Yasemin J. Erden) can be viewed here:

The full listing of Vol. 4, No.4 / Dec 2012 (Special Issue titled: "Cognitive &
Emotional Information Processing", Edited by: Stefano Squartini,
Björn Schuller and Amir Hussain, which is followed by a number of
regular papers), can be viewed here:

The University of Stirling is ranked in the top 50 in the world in The
Times Higher Education 100 Under 50 table, which ranks the world's
best 100 universities under 50 years old.
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland,
number SC 011159.

The University of Stirling is ranked in the top 50 in the world in The Times Higher Education 100 Under 50 table, which ranks the world's best 100 universities under 50 years old.
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland,
number SC 011159.

Comp-neuro mailing list

[Comp-neuro] [Frontiers Research Topic] Deadline extension - Driving Innovation in Therapeutic Brain Stimulation With Biophysical Models

Dear all,

Due to multiple requests, the abstract submission deadline for the Research Topic "Driving Innovation in Therapeutic Brain Stimulation With Biophysical Models", in Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, has been extended to April 15th.

You can find the full description of this Research Topic here at the following URL:

Should you choose to participate, please confirm by sending a quick email and then your abstract using the following link:

Thanks in advance for your interest.

Julien Modolo, Alexandre Legros and Alex W Thomas

Julien Modolo, PhD
Lawson Health Research Institute
Room E4-141
268 Grosvenor Street
London, ON, N6A4V2
Phone: (+001) 519-646-6100 ext 64192
Fax: 519-646-6100

Thursday, March 28, 2013

[Comp-neuro] new PloS One paper: The Sodium-Potassium Pump Controls the Intrinsic Firing of the Cerebellar Purkinje Neuron

Dear Comp Neuro mailing list,
This recent paper may be of interest to the readership. The paper uses modelling and electrophysiology to suggest that the sodium-potassium pump is not simply a homeostatic, housekeeping molecule; but can be a computational element, utilised by the brain for information processing. We are now conducting further work to build upon this suggestion.
Forrest MD, Wall MJ, Press DA, Feng J (2012) The Sodium-Potassium Pump Controls the Intrinsic Firing of the Cerebellar Purkinje Neuron. PLoS ONE 7(12): e51169
Web link to this article at PLoS One (article is free):
Kindest regards,
Michael Forrest (first author of said paper)

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

[Comp-neuro] Imperial College Brain Sciences & Engineering Fellowships

Imperial College Brain Sciences & Engineering PhD Fellowships

Applications are invited for three PhD Training Fellowships in Brain
Sciences & Engineering at Imperial College London, to begin in 2013/14.
The Fellowships are for collaborative research at the interface between
engineering and neuroscience/neurology, and each fellow will study under
a supervision team involving principal investigators from both the
Faculty of Engineering and the Division of Brain Sciences, Faculty of

Training fellowships may be held for up to 4 years (as part of a "1+3"
PhD training programme, where in the first year an approved MRes degree
is taken).


The Fellowships are open to UK and EU students who hold, or expect to
receive, a first class or good upper second class Honours degree (or
equivalent) in a relevant discipline.

How to apply

Applicants should submit a CV, together with a personal statement, to
the email address below. The personal statement should be 1-2 pages long
and should include why you are applying for a Brain Sciences &
Engineering PhD Training Fellowship, the area of research you wish to
focus on, and why you believe that research in this area is important.
Applicants are not required to have confirmed a PhD supervision team
before application, but are nevertheless encouraged to make contact with
potential supervisors.

Supervisory teams may be drawn from any permanent member of academic
staff in the Faculty of Engineering or the Division of Brain Sciences.

Applications should be emailed to:

The deadline for applications is 1st May 2013. Shortlisted candidates
will be invited for interview in early May.

Further information is available at
Comp-neuro mailing list

[visionlist] Advanced Course in Computational Neuroscience, 28 July -24 August 2013, REMINDER

% Note that the deadline for applications is
% April 2nd at Midnight, local Brussels time

July 28 - August 24, 2013
Bedlewo, Poland

Applications accepted: January 21, 2013 - April 2, 2013

* Ehud Ahissar (Weizmann Institute, Israel)
* Dieter Jaeger (Emory University, USA)
* Máté Lengyel (University of Cambridge, UK)
* Carl van Vreeswijk (CNRS, Université Paris Descartes, France)

* Daniel Wojcik (Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Poland)
* Tiaza Bem (Institute Of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, Poland)

This year for the third and last time the Advanced Course in
Computational Neuroscience (ACCN) will be held at the Mathematical
Research and Conference Center (MRCC) of the Institute of Mathematics of
the Polish Academy of Sciences in the village Bedlewo in Poland.

The ACCN is for advanced graduate students and postdoctoral fellows who
are interested in learning the essentials of the field of computational

The course has two complementary parts. Mornings are devoted to lectures
given by distinguished international faculty on topics across the
breadth of experimental and computational neuroscience. During the rest
of the day, students pursue a project of their choosing under the close
supervision of expert tutors. This gives them practical training in the
art and practice of neural modeling.

The first week of the course introduces students to essential
neurobiological concepts and to the most important techniques in
modeling single cells, synapses and circuits. Students learn how to
solve their research problems using software such as MATLAB, NEST,
NEURON, Python, XPP, etc. During the following three weeks the lectures
cover networks and specific neural systems and functions. Topics range
from modeling single cells and subcellular processes through the
simulation of simple circuits, large neuronal networks and system level
models of the brain. The course ends with project presentations by the

The course is designed for students from a variety of disciplines,
including neuroscience, physics, electrical engineering, computer
science, mathematics and psychology. Students are expected to have a
keen interest and basic background in neurobiology as well as some
computer experience. Students of any nationality can apply.

Essential details:
* Course size: thirty students.
* Fee (which covers lodging, meals and excursions): EUR 1500.
* Scholarships and travel stipends are available.

* Application start: January 21, 2013
* Application deadline: April 2, 2013
* Deadline for letters of recommendation: April 9, 2013
* Notification of results: May, 2013

Information and application

Contact address:
* Daniel Wojcik
Nencki Institute
of Experimental Biology
3 Pasteur St
02-093 Warsaw

* email:


Ad Aertsen, University of Freiburg, Germany
Ehud Ahissar, Weizmann Institute, Israel
Erik De Schutter, OIST, Japan
Matthew Diamond, SISSA, Italy
Quentin Huys, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Dieter Jaeger, Emory University, USA
Máté Lengyel, University of Cambridge, UK
Carole Levenes, Paris Descartes University, France
Christian Machens, Champalimaud Neuroscience Programme, Portugal
J. Kevin O'Regan, , Paris Descartes University, France
Astrid Prinz, Emory University, USA
John Rinzel, New York University, USA
Maria Sanchez-Vives, IDIBAPS, Spain
Peggy Seriès, University of Edinburgh, UK
Rich Turner, University of Cambridge, UK
Carl van Vreeswijk, Paris Descartes University, France
Daniel Wójcik, Nencki Institute, Poland


Sacha van Albada, Juelich Forschungszentrum, Germany
Tomasz Smolinski, Delaware State University, USA


Chris Ploegaert, U Antwerp, Belgium

Daniel K. Wojcik, PhD, DSc
Laboratory of Neuroinformatics, Head
Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology
3 Pasteur St, 02-093 Warsaw, Poland
tel: (+48 22) 5892348
fax: (+48 22) 8225342
skype: danek8317
visionlist mailing list

[Comp-neuro] Advanced Course in Computational Neuroscience, 28 July -24 August 2013, REMINDER

% Note that the deadline for applications is
% April 2nd at Midnight, local Brussels time

July 28 - August 24, 2013
Bedlewo, Poland

Applications accepted: January 21, 2013 - April 2, 2013

* Ehud Ahissar (Weizmann Institute, Israel)
* Dieter Jaeger (Emory University, USA)
* Máté Lengyel (University of Cambridge, UK)
* Carl van Vreeswijk (CNRS, Université Paris Descartes, France)

* Daniel Wojcik (Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Poland)
* Tiaza Bem (Institute Of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, Poland)

This year for the third and last time the Advanced Course in
Computational Neuroscience (ACCN) will be held at the Mathematical
Research and Conference Center (MRCC) of the Institute of Mathematics of
the Polish Academy of Sciences in the village Bedlewo in Poland.

The ACCN is for advanced graduate students and postdoctoral fellows who
are interested in learning the essentials of the field of computational

The course has two complementary parts. Mornings are devoted to lectures
given by distinguished international faculty on topics across the
breadth of experimental and computational neuroscience. During the rest
of the day, students pursue a project of their choosing under the close
supervision of expert tutors. This gives them practical training in the
art and practice of neural modeling.

The first week of the course introduces students to essential
neurobiological concepts and to the most important techniques in
modeling single cells, synapses and circuits. Students learn how to
solve their research problems using software such as MATLAB, NEST,
NEURON, Python, XPP, etc. During the following three weeks the lectures
cover networks and specific neural systems and functions. Topics range
from modeling single cells and subcellular processes through the
simulation of simple circuits, large neuronal networks and system level
models of the brain. The course ends with project presentations by the

The course is designed for students from a variety of disciplines,
including neuroscience, physics, electrical engineering, computer
science, mathematics and psychology. Students are expected to have a
keen interest and basic background in neurobiology as well as some
computer experience. Students of any nationality can apply.

Essential details:
* Course size: thirty students.
* Fee (which covers lodging, meals and excursions): EUR 1500.
* Scholarships and travel stipends are available.

* Application start: January 21, 2013
* Application deadline: April 2, 2013
* Deadline for letters of recommendation: April 9, 2013
* Notification of results: May, 2013

Information and application

Contact address:
* Daniel Wojcik
Nencki Institute
of Experimental Biology
3 Pasteur St
02-093 Warsaw

* email:


Ad Aertsen, University of Freiburg, Germany
Ehud Ahissar, Weizmann Institute, Israel
Erik De Schutter, OIST, Japan
Matthew Diamond, SISSA, Italy
Quentin Huys, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Dieter Jaeger, Emory University, USA
Máté Lengyel, University of Cambridge, UK
Carole Levenes, Paris Descartes University, France
Christian Machens, Champalimaud Neuroscience Programme, Portugal
J. Kevin O'Regan, , Paris Descartes University, France
Astrid Prinz, Emory University, USA
John Rinzel, New York University, USA
Maria Sanchez-Vives, IDIBAPS, Spain
Peggy Seriès, University of Edinburgh, UK
Rich Turner, University of Cambridge, UK
Carl van Vreeswijk, Paris Descartes University, France
Daniel Wójcik, Nencki Institute, Poland


Sacha van Albada, Juelich Forschungszentrum, Germany
Tomasz Smolinski, Delaware State University, USA


Chris Ploegaert, U Antwerp, Belgium

Daniel K. Wojcik, PhD, DSc
Laboratory of Neuroinformatics, Head
Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology
3 Pasteur St, 02-093 Warsaw, Poland
tel: (+48 22) 5892348
fax: (+48 22) 8225342
skype: danek8317
Comp-neuro mailing list

[Comp-neuro] Post-Doc position at the BCCN Berlin

Applications are invited for a 2.5-years post-doctoral position in the group of Prof. Lindner (Theory of Complex Systems and Neurophysics) at the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Berlin  starting in June, 2013.

The focus of the theoretical project is on the spreading of activity and the signal transmission in recurrent  networks of spiking neurons. This is motivated by reverse physiology experiments at the BCCN Berlin, in which evoked single-neuron activity in the cortex causes behavioral or motor responses.  Ideally, theoretical insights will be instrumental for the interpretation of experimental data and the formulation of novel experimental questions.

In order to pursue this kind of research, the successful candidate should have a strong interest in developing analytical approaches for the stochastic dynamics of single neurons and neural networks. A background  in theoretical physics, nonlinear dynamics, and/or the theory of stochastic processes is thus advantageous although not obligatory. The position will also entail a moderate amount of teaching as well as the co-supervision of PhD and Master students.

Applications, including a motivation letter, a CV, and, a list of three potential referees should be send by email to
(cc to

Prof. Dr. B. Lindner
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience
Institut für Physik
Sitz: Philippstr. 13, Haus 2
10115 Berlin
Postanschrift: Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin

Deadline for the application is April 5 2013, however, later applications may be also considered.

--   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Benjamin Lindner  Theory of Complex Systems and Neurophysics    Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Berlin  Philippstr. 13, Haus 2, 10115 Berlin   Room: 1.17, phone: 0049(0)302093 6336     Department of Physics Humboldt University Berlin  Newtonstr. 15 12489 Berlin  Room: 3.408, phone: 0049(0)302093 7934   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

[Comp-neuro] Deadline Extension for the 9th International Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces (eNTERFACE’13) – Call for Participation (Lisbon, Portugal, July 15 – August 9, 2013)

Dear Colleague,


Due to numerous requests, the eNTERFACE'13 organizing committee has extended the application deadline for participation to May 26th, 2013.

The 9th International Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces (eNTERFACE'13) will take place in Monte de Caparica, Lisbon, Portugal from July 15 to August 9, 2013.

eNTERFACE workshops aim at establishing a tradition of collaborative, localized research and development work by gathering, in a single place, a team of senior project leaders in multimodal interfaces, researchers, and (undergraduate) students, to work on a pre-specified list of challenges, for 4 weeks.

Please visit the website for the detailed information.


Important Dates:

May 26th, 2013 - Closing of the Call for Participation.

June 10th, 2013 - Publication of the final list of team members.

July 15th – August 9th, 2013 - eNTERFACE'13 Workshop.


The list of projects to apply (














The Speakers of Plenary Talks:

- Prof. Nuno Correia (New University of Lisbon, Portugal),

- Prof. Tapio Takala (Aalto School of Science, Finland),

- Prof. Marta Gasci (University of Budapest, Hungary),

- Prof. Artur Arsenio (YDREAMS Robotics, Portugal),

- Dr. Antonella Maselli (University of Barcelona, Spain).


The workshop is free of charge and the proceedings are expected to be published by Springer, IFIP AICT series (indexed in Web of Science).


Sincerely, yours

Yves Rybarczyk (General Chair of eNTERFACE 2013)

Prof. Yves Rybarczyk
Departamento de Engenharia Electrotécnica
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Campus da Caparica
2829-516 Caparica
Tel: +351 917691175

[Comp-neuro] Hands-On Workshop on Neuronal Recording and Stimulation, Freiburg, May 28.-29.

Following the big success of our last hands-on workshop in Lübeck in December 2012, we  invite you to join us for our two-day 
Hands-On Workshop on Neuronal Recording and Stimulation on the 28th and 29th of May 2013 in Freiburg, Germany.

We will have access to five different commercial recording setups and will acquire neuronal responses within several in vivo paradigms from anesthetized rodents. It is the goal of this workshop to go beyond single micro electrode recordings and test the most recent developments in multisite microprobes as well.

We consider this workshop to be of high interest to both young researchers in need for early experience in neuronal recording and stimulation and to seasoned electrophysiologists interested in getting first hand experience with the newest technologies. 

While the official website will go online beginning of April, some preliminary information can be found under

Participation is limited to 20 persons and we expect it of fill up quickly. 
The workshop is organized in cooperation with the excellence cluster BrainLinks-BrainTools ( 

I look forward seeing your there!


Ulrich G. Hofmann
Prof. Dr. rer.nat.  

Peter-Osypka-Professor for
Neuroelectronic Systems

Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg
Department for Neurosurgery
Engesserstr. 4, 79108 Freiburg,

Tel: +49.761.270 50076

[Comp-neuro] PhD or PostDoctoral Position in Computational Neuroscience of Learning and Memory at the University of Göttingen, Germany

We have a PhD or PostDoc position for a project in Computational Neuroscience of Learning and Memory at the Third Institute of Physics – Biophysics – Georg-August University, Göttingen, Germany

Topic of project: The role of long-term depression during learning and memory formation

At the neuronal network level learning and memory formation are associated with the ability to change synaptic efficiencies (Hebb, 1949). There is an interesting imbalance. On the one side, most of the studies analyze the connection between the increase of synaptic efficiencies (long-term potentiation; LTP) and learning (e.g., Martin et al., 2000). On the other side, the well-known mechanism of synaptic depression (long-term depression; LTD) is in conjunction with learning mainly ignored. Only a few experiments show that LTD is involved in learning and memory dynamics (Manahan-Vaughan and Braunewell, 1999; Whitlock et al., 2006) and even fewer theoretical ideas bring up possible functions of LTD (Willshaw and Dayan, 1990; Miller, 1996). In this project we want to close this gap by augmenting a recent memory model with long-term depression (LTD).

Our current memory model (Tetzlaff et al., 2011; 2012a) is based on a combined adaptation rule of LTP and synaptic scaling (Turrigiano et al., 1998). The combination enables neuronal networks to form local cell assemblies related to “memories” (Tetzlaff et al., 2012b). The goal is to introduce LTD into this model and analyze its functional role (e.g., for the competitive stabilization of cell assemblies). Furthermore, as the reduction in spine size by LTD also induces a shorter synaptic life span (Yasumatsu et al., 2008), the resulting dynamics can be linked to the mechanisms of structural plasticity (Butz et al., 2009).


Start date:          01. 07. 2013 (or earlier), negotiable.

Requirements: Theoretical Background (Programming and mathematical analysis of coupled differential equations), Background in Neuroscience.

Salary scale:     German TV-L E13 (50% - 100%, depending on experience).

Our info:             We are part of the Faculty of Physics at the University of Göttingen and the BCCN Göttingen and cooperate closely, e.g., with the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization and the GGNB Göttingen.

References and further reading about project:
D.O. Hebb (1949). The organization of behavior. Wiley, New York.
S.J. Martin, P.D. Grimwood, and R.G.M. Morris (2000). Synaptic plasticity and memory: an evaluation of the hypothesis. Annu. Rev. Neurosci., 23:649-711.
D. Manahan-Vaughan and K. Braunewell (1999). Novelty acquisition is associated with induction of hippocampal long-term depression. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 96:8739-8744.
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C. Tetzlaff, C. Kolodziejski, M. Timme, and F. Wörgötter (2011). Synaptic scaling in combination with many generic plasticity mechanisms stabilizes circuit connectivity. Fron. Comput. Neurosci., 5:47.
C. Tetzlaff, C. Kolodziejski, M. Timme, and F. Wörgötter (2012a). Analysis of synaptic scaling in combination with Hebbian plasticity in several simple networks. Front. Comput. Neurosci., 6:36.
 G.G. Turrigiano, K.R. Leslie, N.S. Desai, L.C. Rutherford, and S.B. Nelson (1998). Activity-dependent scaling of quantal amplitude in neocortical neurons. Nature, 391:892-896.
 C. Tetzlaff, C. Kolodziejski, M. Timme, M. Tsodyks, and F. Wörgötter (2012b). Memory formation, recall and forgetting in neuronal networks. Front. Comput. Neurosci. Conference Abstract: Bernstein Conference 2012. doi: 10.3389/conf.fncom.2012.55.00225.
 N. Yasumatsu, M. Matsuzaki, T. Miyazaki, J. Noguchi, and H. Kasai (2008). Principles of long-term dynamics of dendritic spines. J. Neurosci., 28:13592-13608.
 M. Butz, F. Wörgötter, and A. Van Ooyen (2009). Activity-dependent structural plasticity. Brain Res. Rev., 60:287-305.

Please send applications (PDF only) to, or request further information from:



 Christian Tetzlaff ( or
 Florentin Wörgötter (


Monday, March 25, 2013

[Comp-neuro] Parallelizing NEURON Models course

Space is still available for the course on Parallelizing NEURON Models
that we will present June 26-30, 2013, at the Institute for Neural
Computation, UCSD, San Diego. This course is designed for investigators
who already have a model that they would like to port to parallel
hardware, or who are committed to developing such a model.

Participants will receive documentation and instruction that distills
our experience in creating and using models of cells and circuits that
can be simulated on parallel hardware. Each day will begin with formal
presentations and targeted discussions, with coding sessions in the
afternoon so that participants will be able to apply what they have
learned while expert assistance is close at hand.

For more information about this course and its on-line application form,

Please note that:

1. The official registration fee for this course is $1350, but
applicants who sign up and pay by Friday, April 12, will be eligible
for the early registration rate of $1200.

2. Seating is limited, and the final registration deadline is Friday,
May 24.

Comp-neuro mailing list

[visionlist] Second Call For Papers: Second International Workshop on Context Based Affect Recognition CBAR13

ACII 2013, 2nd International  Workshop on CONTEXT BASED AFFECT RECOGNITION CBAR2013

Submission Deadline: May 2nd, 2013

The second international workshop on "Context Based Affect Recognition" CBAR13 ( will be held in conjunction with the 2013 Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction conference ACII2013, 2-5 September 2013, Geneva, Switzerland (

For details concerning the workshop program, paper submission guidelines, etc. please visit our workshop website at:

Best regards,
Zakia Hammal

Zakia Hammal, PhD
The Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University

Human-Machine Interaction
Facial Expression Recognition
Visual Perception