Wednesday, June 27, 2012

[Comp-neuro] CNS Workshop on Modern evolutionary algorithms in computational neuroscience

Dear colleagues,
please consider attending to the workshop

"Modern evolutionary algorithms in computational neuroscience"

July 25th at CNS*2012, Atlanta/Decatur, GA.

The program is now available on the workshop website :

Invited speakers:

* A. Korngreen (Bar-Ilan University, Israel) Optimizing ion channel
models using a parallel genetic algorithm on graphical processors.
* D. Jaeger (Emory University, USA) Using particle swarm evolutionary
algorithm to improve ion channel kinetics.
* J.-C. Quinton (Pascal Institute / Polytech Clermont-Ferrand, France)
Tuning and learning with evolutionary methods: anticipatory
representations and dynamic neural fields.
* A. J. Nevado-Holgado (University of Oxford, UK). Multiobjective
evolutionary algorithms to fit realistic computational models of brain
networks to extensive experimental data.
* J.-B. Mouret (Université Pierre & Marie Curie / CNRS, France) Recent
advances in evolutionary algorithms with examples from neuro-evolution.
* J. Liénard (Université Pierre & Marie Curie / CNRS, France)
Integration of detailed primate anatomical and electrophysiological data
in a model of the basal ganglia using multi-objective evolutionary

Benoît Girard, ISIR, UPMC/CNRS
Pyramide T55/65, CC 173
4 place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex

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