Friday, June 29, 2012

[Comp-neuro] Post-Doctoral Position in Computational Neuroscience at BCCN Berlin, Germany

(apologies for cross-postings)

Applications are invited for a three-year post-doctoral position in the group of Prof. Lindner (Theory of Complex Systems and Neurophysics) at the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Berlin starting in October 2012.

The aim of the project is the analysis of the nonlinear response properties of spiking model neurons and their consequences for the neural activity and signal transmission in recurrent neural networks. Theoretical insights achieved by analytical calculations and numerical simulations will also be applied to the analysis and interpretation of experimental data.

The successful candidate should have a strong interest in the analysis of the dynamics of single neurons and neural networks. A background in theoretical physics, nonlinear dynamics and/or the theory of stochastic processes is advantageous although not obligatory. The position will also entail the collaboration with colleagues from experimental neuroscience as well as the co-supervision of PhD and Master students. 

Applications, including a letter of motivation, a CV, and a list of three potential referees should be sent by email to
(cc to

Prof. Dr. B. Lindner

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience

Institut für Physik

Sitz: Philippstr. 13, Haus 2

10115 Berlin

Postanschrift: Unter den Linden 6

--   Benjamin Lindner  Professor for  Theory of Complex Systems and Neurophysics    Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience  Philippstr. 13, Haus 2   10115 Berlin  phone: 0049 (0) 30 2093 6336    Physics Dep.   Humboldt University Berlin  Newtonstr. 15  12489 Berlin  phone: 0049 (0) 30 2093 7934   email:  URLs:  

Thursday, June 28, 2012

[Comp-neuro] INCF Short Course: "An Introduction to Neuroinformatics"

[sorry if you receive this through multiple channels]

INCF Short Course
"An Introduction to Neuroinformatics"

September 7-8, 2012, in Munich, Germany
Application Deadline: August 15, 2012

Organized by INCF -- Website:


One of the goals of the INCF is to contribute to the training of
future neuroinformaticians. To help to fulfill its goals INCF is
offering a two-day course that provides an introduction to and
overview of a wide range of topics within neuroinformatics by leading
experts in the field. It is suitable for researchers in neuroscience as
well as the computational sciences who wish to develop interests in


- data analysis and neuronal coding
- databases and ontologies
- multi-scale modeling
- neuroengineering
- simulation/computation/workflows
- clinical applications
- visualization


- David Willshaw (Edinburgh,UK)
- Maryann Martone (San Diego,USA)
- Upi Bhalla (Bangalore, India)
- Tobi Delbrück (Zürich, Switzerland)
- Marc-Oliver Gewaltig (Lausanne, Switzerland)
- Peter Tass (Jülich, Germany)
- JB Poline (Paris, France)
- Ignacio Arganda (Cambridge, USA)
- Gaute Einevoll (Ås, Norway)


The course will be suitable for neuroscience researchers wishing to
develop interests in neuroinformatics as well as informatics researchers
a strong interest in neuroscience. A prerequisite for attending the course
is a basic knowledge of neuroscience. The course is open to advanced
students and postdoctoral researchers as well as faculty members.

The course is limited to 50 participants.


Technische Universität München
Arcisstraße 21
80333 München, Germany,11.5677801592&spn=0.005,0.005&t=k


There will be a fee of 40 £ (British Pounds), payable on registration.
This fee covers course materials, refreshments during the course and
attendance at a dinner on Friday evening. Financial support will be
available to students to cover the registration fee and as a contribution
to travel and accommodation costs.


Please apply by sending an email to containing a
brief CV and one page statement of why you wish to attend this course.

Students who wish to apply for financial support should include an
extra document giving the costs for which they wish to apply and a
statement from their university that they are a student.

Early application is advised as early applications will have priority.
Applications will be considered and a decision made as soon as they
are received.

The deadline for application is August 15 or when the course
is filled - whichever comes first.

If you have any questions about this event please contact the course
administration at

Dr. Raphael Ritz
Scientific Officer

International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility
Karolinska Institutet
Nobels väg 15 A
SE-171 77 Stockholm

Phone: +46 8 524 87017
Fax: +46 8 524 87150

Comp-neuro mailing list

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

[Comp-neuro] CNS Workshop on Modern evolutionary algorithms in computational neuroscience

Dear colleagues,
please consider attending to the workshop

"Modern evolutionary algorithms in computational neuroscience"

July 25th at CNS*2012, Atlanta/Decatur, GA.

The program is now available on the workshop website :

Invited speakers:

* A. Korngreen (Bar-Ilan University, Israel) Optimizing ion channel
models using a parallel genetic algorithm on graphical processors.
* D. Jaeger (Emory University, USA) Using particle swarm evolutionary
algorithm to improve ion channel kinetics.
* J.-C. Quinton (Pascal Institute / Polytech Clermont-Ferrand, France)
Tuning and learning with evolutionary methods: anticipatory
representations and dynamic neural fields.
* A. J. Nevado-Holgado (University of Oxford, UK). Multiobjective
evolutionary algorithms to fit realistic computational models of brain
networks to extensive experimental data.
* J.-B. Mouret (Université Pierre & Marie Curie / CNRS, France) Recent
advances in evolutionary algorithms with examples from neuro-evolution.
* J. Liénard (Université Pierre & Marie Curie / CNRS, France)
Integration of detailed primate anatomical and electrophysiological data
in a model of the basal ganglia using multi-objective evolutionary

Benoît Girard, ISIR, UPMC/CNRS
Pyramide T55/65, CC 173
4 place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex

Comp-neuro mailing list

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

[Comp-neuro] TOC Journal of Mind Theory Vol 1 No. 1

(apologies for any cross-postings)
Dear Colleagues

We are delighted to the publication of Volume 1, No. 1 of Journal of Mind Theory ISSN: 2174-9841

Journal of Mind Theory vol 1, issue 1 --- Table of Content

"The Dialectics of Mind"  
William C. Hoffman

"A Final Solution to the Mind-Body Problem"  
John G. Taylor

"James Albus: A light for a young researcher"  
 Ignacio López

Journal of Mind Theory, all issues:

Jaime Gómez Ramírez
Autonomous Systems Laboratory
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
Jose Gutierrez Abascal, 2
Madrid 28006, Spain
Biomedical Engineering Laboratory
Okayama University
3-1-1 Tsushimanaka,Kita-ku,
Okayama 700-8530 Japan

[Comp-neuro] Research Associate vacancy for three years at Glasgow University

Dear Computational Neuroscientists


We have further funding for a Research Associate post for 3 years.  The post is to contribute to a project entitled “Conscious perception: An approach synthesizing cortical network modelling, information processing and causal intervention”. Specifically, the job requires a review of current literature in relevant fields, development of stimuli and experimental procedures, contributing to the design and programming of the behavioural, MEG and TMS experiments, recruiting and running the participants, assisting in analysing the results, and participating in the writing up of the results.


For further details and to apply please go to the job page:  and click on 'current vacancies' this will take you to a search page where you should add reference number M00483.  This will give details of the job description and how to apply for the post.


Kind regards






Dianne Masson

School of Psychology/Institute of Neuroscience & Psychology

University of Glasgow

58 Hillhead Street

Glasgow G12 8QB


Tel:  +44 (0)141 330 3608



The University of Glasgow, Charity No SC004401


[Comp-neuro] 2nd Call for abstracts - Workshop on Artificial Mental Imagery in Cognitive Systems and Robotics

(apologize for multiple postings)

(update Special Issue on Adaptive Behavior)

(update Programme Committee members)




Workshop on Artificial Mental Imagery in Cognitive Systems and Robotics

in conjunction with 12th International Conference on Adaptive Behaviour (SAB 2012)

Odense, Denmark, August 27-31, 2012




Submission of abstracts:  June 30th, 2012

Notification of authors: July 10th, 2012

Workshop:  August 27th, 2012

(For any enquiry about dates please contact the following address:




The objective of the workshop is to facilitate integration and to foster new developments in mental imagery modelling and applications, involving researchers from different disciplines, interested in exploring the concept of mental imagery applied to both artificial cognitive systems and robots. Because we believe that the fundamental interdisciplinary nature of the field requires an intimate collaboration between neuroscientists, psychologists, computer scientists, and robotics researchers, the workshop is also open to all researchers interested in mental imagery for the enhancement of cognitive abilities in general, and their contributions and participation are particularly welcome.




All researchers interested in contributing to the discussion are invited to submit an abstract of their work, prepared using the Springer format (up to 4 pages), to the following address

Springer proceedings format kits and instructions could be found at the following address:




Proceedings with abstracts of the workshop will be published and, as follow up, we will organize a special issue on Adaptive Behavior journal, welcoming all the speakers’ contribution.




Prof. Thomas Schack, head of Neurocognition and Action Research Group, Bielefeld University & Center of Excellence "Cognitive Interaction Technology" – CITEC, Germany

Prof. Thierry Pozzo, director of Laboratoire INSERM U1093, University of Dijon, France & head of the Human Behaviour Lab, Italian Institute of Technology in Genova, Italy.




The role of mental imagery has been researched extensively over the past 50 years in the areas of motor learning, neuroscience and psychology. Some of the main effects of mental practice on physical performance have been well established in experiments with humans in the fields of sports science, occupational psychology and motor rehabilitation.

Recent studies in control engineering have shown how the use of motor rehearsal and simulation can enable an individual, through a Brain Machine Interface (BMI), to control robotic devices. Furthermore advances in information and communication technologies now make new tools available to scientists interested in artificial cognitive systems, which despite the tremendous potential applications still face several challenges. Improving the skill of a robot in terms of motor control and navigation capabilities, especially in the case of a complex robot with many degrees of freedom, is a timely and important issue in current robotics research.

The underlying neurocognitive mechanisms involved in mental imagery and subsequent physical performance, however, are still far from being fully understood. Understanding the processes behind the human ability to create mental images of events and experiences is still a crucial issue. To this end, more research efforts are needed to understand the role of mental imagery and its mechanisms in human cognition and how it can be used to enhance motor control in autonomous robots. From a technological point of view, the impact in the field of robotics could be significant.  It could lead to the derivation of engineering principles for the development of autonomous systems that are capable of exploiting the characteristics of mental imagery training so to better interact with the environment and refine their motor skills in an open-ended process.




Dr. Alessandro G. Di Nuovo, Plymouth University, UK

Dr. Vivian M. De La Cruz, Universita’ degli Studi di Messina, Italy

Dr. Davide Marocco, Plymouth University, UK




Prof. Angelo Cangelosi, Plymouth University, UK

Prof. Alessio Plebe, Università degli Studi di Messina, Italy

Prof. Chrystopher Nehaniv, University of Hertfordshire, UK

Dr. Francesco Nori, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy

Dr. Hiroyuki Iizuka, Osaka University, Japan

Prof. Jun Tani, RIKEN, Japan

Dr. Onofrio Gigliotta, ISTC-CNR, Italy

Prof. Giorgio Ganis, Plymouth University, UK

Dr. Ryoko Uno, University, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan

Prof. Santo Di Nuovo, Università degli Studi di Catania, Italy

Prof. Takashi Ikegami, University of Tokyo, Japan

Prof. Tom Ziemke, University of Skövde, Sweden

Prof. Vincenzo Loia, Università degli Studi di Salerno, Italy

Dr. Wolfram Schenck, Bielefeld University, Germany

Prof. Haline Schendan, Plymouth University, UK




Any inquiries should be sent to:

Workshop page:



Monday, June 25, 2012

[Comp-neuro] Workshop on Methods of Information Theory in Computational Neuroscience

Dear Computational Neuroscientists,
please plan to attend the workshop entitled:

"Methods of Information Theory in Computational Neuroscience"
Wednesday and Thursday, July 25-26, 2012
as part of CNS*2012, Atlanta/Decatur, GA

Standing Committee
Alex G. Dimitrov, Washington State University - Vancouver.
Aurel A. Lazar, Columbia University.

Program Committee
Todd P. Coleman, University of California, San Diego
Michael C. Gastpar, EPFL and UC Berkeley
Conor Houghton, Trinity College Dublin
Simon R. Schultz, Imperial College
Tatyana O. Sharpee, Salk Institute

Confirmed speakers:
Bruno B. Averbeck, NIMH/NIH
Marius Buibas, Brain Corporation
Alex G. Dimitrov, Washington State University - Vancouver
Gaute T. Einevoll, Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Conor Houghton, Trinity College Dublin
Ehud Kaplan, Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Sanggyun Kim, University of California, San Diego
William B. Levy, University of Virginia
Ilya Nemenman, Emory University
Christopher J. Rozell, Georgia Institute of Technology
Tatyana O. Sharpee, Salk Institute
Jianing Shi, Rice University
Gabriel A. Silva, University of California, San Diego
Rava Azeredo da Silveira, Ecole Normale Superieure
Robert Sinclair, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology

A preliminary program and speaker abstracts are available at


Comp-neuro mailing list

Sunday, June 24, 2012

[Comp-neuro] Postdoctoral position in Computational/Theoretical Neuroscience

Applications for NIH-funded post-doctoral position are invited for laboratory of Dr. Maxim Bazhenov at the University of California, Riverside. This project aims at understanding how odors and odor concentrations are encoded in the insect olfactory system. It involves close collaboration with laboratory of Dr. Mark Stopfer at NIH. For relevant references see, Assisi et al., Neuron 2011, 69(2):373-86; Ito et al., Neuron 2009, 64(5):692-706; Assisi at al., Nature Neurosci, 2007, 10(9):1176-84. The ultimate goal of this work is to understand mechanisms and functions of biological rhythms and the role of neuronal oscillations and synchrony in information processing.


Successful candidate will be responsible for design and analysis of the network models of olfactory system based on experimental data and data analysis. Qualified applicants are expected to have experience in computational/theoretical neuroscience and conductance-based neural modeling. Programming experience with C/C++ is required. Knowledge of PYTHON or MATLAB is a plus.


The University of California offers excellent benefits. Salary is based on research experience. The initial appointment is for 1 year with a possibility of extension. Applicants should send a brief statement of research interests, a CV and the names of three references to Maxim Bazhenov at

--   Maxim Bazhenov, Ph.D.  Associate Professor  Department of Cell Biology and Neuroscience  University of California  Riverside, CA 92521  Ph: 951-827-4370      

Saturday, June 23, 2012

[Comp-neuro] Computational Neuroscience school

Applications are invited for 

IBRO-UNESCO Interregional School on Computational and Theoretical Neuroscience

Bridging Concept - data gap

University of Hyderabad

Hyderabad, India

December 5 to 21,  2012

*Students pursuing any neuroscience related area, and interested in doing research  are encouraged to apply.
* PhD students; early career post-docs; outstanding science honors or final year masters, or engineering students are eligible.

For more details on the program and speakers see the website below

Joby Joseph
Center for Neural and Cognitive Sciences
University of Hyderabad, India
Ph: +918008531777
Fax: +914023134493
Alt email:


Friday, June 22, 2012

[Comp-neuro] Extended registration deadline: Symposium on Complex Systems and Brain Networks

Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg Delmenhorst, Germany, 13-15 Sept 2012

Extended deadline for registration is the 29th of June, 2012.

This interdisciplinary symposium is devoted to discussing novel approaches of complex brain network analyses and their clinical applications.

Topics include:
1. Physical models of brain dynamics
2. New approaches for analyzing and modelling complex brain systems
3. Brain networks in clinical applications

September 13 - 15, 2012

Lehmkuhlenbusch 4
27753 Delmenhorst

Dr. Carsten Giessing
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Germany
Prof. Dr. Claus Hilgetag
Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany

Apart from the invited speakers, we accept a limited number (30) of further participants. During the meeting, participants will have the opportunity to present a poster in one of the poster sessions. Applications from participants who plan to actively contribute to the meeting in such a way will be given higher preference.

Extended deadline for registration is the 29th of June, 2012.

Please check one of the following links for registration: or

See you in September!
Carsten Giessing and Claus Hilgetag

|| Claus C. Hilgetag, PhD
|| Professor & Director | Dept. of Computational Neuroscience
|| University Medical Center Eppendorf | Hamburg University
|| Adjunct Associate Professor | Boston University
Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice what is adequately explained by stupidity.

Comp-neuro mailing list

[Comp-neuro] Research Associate vacancy at Glasgow University

Dear Computational Neuroscientists


We have a vacancy for a Research Associate for 3 years.  The post is to contribute to a project entitled “Neural synchrony in neuropsychiatry and brain development”. Specifically, the job requires the analysis of existing MEG-data sets, data-acquisition and implementation of novel analytic tools, contributing to the design and programming of MEG experiments, recruiting and running the participants, assisting in analysing the results, and participating in the writing up of the results.


For further details and to apply please go to the job page:  and click on 'current vacancies' this will take you to a search page where you should add reference number 002148.  This will give details of the job description and how to apply for the post.


Kind regards






Dianne Masson

School of Psychology/Institute of Neuroscience & Psychology

University of Glasgow

58 Hillhead Street

Glasgow G12 8QB


Tel:  +44 (0)141 330 3608



The University of Glasgow, Charity No SC004401


[Comp-neuro] funding opportunity: Knowledge Representation in Neural Systems




The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity ( will host a Proposers' Day for the Knowledge Representation in Neural Systems (KRNS) Program on July 12, 2012, in anticipation of the release of a new solicitation in support of the program. The Proposers' Day will be held from 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. The purpose of the event will be to provide information on KRNS, to address questions from potential proposers, and to provide a forum for potential proposers to present their capabilities and find potential team partners. More information on the KRNS program can be found at:


Best Regards,

Brad Minnery, Ph.D.
IARPA Program Manager

[Comp-neuro] PhD Program in Neuroscience 2012 - University of Verona (Italy)

PhD studentships available from the PhD Program in Neuroscience

University of Verona (Italy) - Graduate School of Sciences Engineering and Medicine

The 2012 Call for Applications is now open!

Duration: 3 years
Available fellowships: 5
Additional positions: 5
Application deadline: August 24, 2012

Prof. Michele Tinazzi
Tel. 045 8124288 Fax 045 8027492
Detailed information:
Università di Verona - Ufficio Comunicazione Grafica: tarcisio.solfa
The 2012 Call for Applications is now open
Google: verona school sciences engineering medicine

Basic Science:
- Top-down influences on human performance
- Cognitive functions in movement disorders
- Inhibitory processes in selective attention
- Homeostasis of synaptic plasticity
- Synaptic competition
- Neuronal-immune interactions and sleep-wake regulation
- Inflammatory signalling and motor neuron degeneration
- Neuronal excitability and immune response
- Endocannabinoid system and neuronal plasticity
- Stem cells and experimental models of multiple sclerosis
- Proteomics, immunomics, and multiple sclerosis
- Neuroinflammatory signaling, neural-immune interactions
and neurodegeneration
- Regulation of sleep and wakefulness
- Neuronal survival and axonal regeneration
- Synapse formation and plasticity
- Neurocognitive mechanisms of visual selective attention
- The influence of rewards and punishments on cognitive
Applied Research:
- Alternative rehabilitation strategies in movement disorders
- Phenotypes and genetics of congenital
cerebellar malformations
- Deep-brain stimulation in movement disorders
- Nano-robotized intracranic endoscopy
- EEG-fMRI co-registration in epilepsy and stroke
- Neurodegenerative Dementias
- Prion Diseases
- Muscle disorders

Ilaria Sani, PhD
Department of Neurological, Neuropsychological,
Morphological and Movement Sciences.
Section of Physiology and Psychology, University of Verona

Support neuroscience research:
Strada Le Grazie 8, I-37134 Verona, Italy
Ph: +39-045-8027198
fax: +39-045-80 27 279

[Comp-neuro] Workshop on Methods of System Identification for Studying Information Processing in Sensory Systems

Dear all,
please plan to attend the workshop entitled:

"Methods of System Identification for Studying Information Processing in Sensory Systems"
organized by Aurel A. Lazar (Columbia University) and Mikko I. Juusola (University of Sheffield)
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
as part of CNS*2012, Atlanta/Decatur, GA

Confirmed speakers:
Theodore W. Berger, University of Southern California
Vladimir Brezina, Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Daniel Coca, University of Sheffield
Fabrizio Gabbiani, Baylor College of Medicine.
Mikko I. Juusola, University of Sheffield
Aurel A. Lazar, Columbia University.
Matthieu Louis, Centre for Genomic Regulation, Barcelona
Shy Shoham, Technion
Garrett B. Stanley, Georgia Institute of Technology and Emory University

A preliminary program and speaker abstracts are available at


Comp-neuro mailing list

Thursday, June 21, 2012

[visionlist] Job Vacancies at King's College London

Dear All,

King's College London is currently advertising a Lectureship in
Robotics. I have no involvement in the hiring process, but am keen to
encourage applications from people with research interests related to my
own in areas such as machine learning, pattern recognition, computer
vision, neural computation, cognitive or developmental robotics, and
intelligent systems. The official job advert can be found here:

The Department of Informatics at King's is also advertising a number of
other Lecturerships and Professorships, full details can be found here:

Dr Michael Spratling.
Reader in Computational Neuroscience and Visual Cognition
Department of Informatics
King's College London,
Strand, London. WC2R 2LS. UK.
visionlist mailing list

[Comp-neuro] Job Vacancies at King's College London

Dear All,

King's College London is currently advertising a Lectureship in
Robotics. I have no involvement in the hiring process, but am keen to
encourage applications from people with research interests related to my
own in areas such as machine learning, pattern recognition, computer
vision, neural computation, cognitive or developmental robotics, and
intelligent systems. The official job advert can be found here:

The Department of Informatics at King's is also advertising a number of
other Lecturerships and Professorships, full details can be found here:

Dr Michael Spratling.
Reader in Computational Neuroscience and Visual Cognition
Department of Informatics
King's College London,
Strand, London. WC2R 2LS. UK.
Comp-neuro mailing list

[Comp-neuro] PhD Position in BCI, Univ. Medical Center Hamburg

*PhD Student Position in Brain-Computer Interfaces*

The International Research Training Group Hamburg – Beijing/China
(Internationales Graduierten­kolleg) on Cross-modal Interaction in Natural and
Artificial Cognitive Systems (CINACS) is seeking a highly qualified and
motivated candidate for a doctoral position in Brain-Computer Interfaces

The training group is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), the
State of Ham­burg, and the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of
China. The candidate will also collaborate with the project "MULTISENSE –
The merging of the senses: understanding multisensory experience", funded
by an ERC Advanced Investigators Grant. The major goal of this project is the
investigation of dynamic, large-scale neural interactions and the
characterization of functional networks during multisensory processing in the
human brain, using techniques such as MEG, EEG, TMS, tACS and eye

The dissertation project will be carried out at the Dept. of Neurophysiology
and Pathophysiology of the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
(UKE). The UKE is the largest hospital in Hamburg, comprising 14 centers
with 80 clinical and research departments. The Dept. of Neuro­physiology and
Pathophysiology is headed by Prof. Dr. Andreas K. Engel. The research of
Prof. Engel's group focuses on cognitive and sensorimotor functions, which
are studied in humans and animal models using neurophysiological and
neuroimaging techniques. The project will build on strong interactions with
the Dept. of Biomedical Engineering at the Tsinghua University in Beijing,
China. Tsinghua University is among China's top universities, and the Dept. of
Biomedical Engin­eering hosts one of the world's leading BCI research teams.
The project will be focused on the integration of different modalities (e.g.,
vision, audition, and touch) into a unified BCI system. Using several
modalities allows to employ proven BCI paradigms to increase the number of
control channels. Research questions will be the possibility of gaining ad­
ditional information from switching attention between modalities, and the
emergence of immersive control of the system after training with such a
multimodal BCI system. Potential applications of the system to be developed
are not only in classical BCI application fields like rehabilitation and
prosthetics, but rather envisaged in everyday usage for computer control or in
computer games.

Applicants should have a master in computer science, physics or engineering,
and excellent programming skills, as well as expertise in methods in signal
processing, pattern recognition and classification. Experience in human
electrophysiology would be an asset, but is not required. The position will be
funded for up to three years, beginning Oct. 2012 or later. Applicants can
have any nationality, female applicants are particularly welcome.

Informal inquiries can be directed to Dr. Alexander Maye (
Applicants should send their curriculum vitae, a statement of research
interests, as well as names of two referees to Prof. Dr. Andreas K. Engel,
Institut für Neurophysiologie und Pathophysiologie, Universitätsklinikum
Ham­burg-Eppendorf, Martinistr. 52, 20246 Hamburg, Germany.

Web ressources:

Pflichtangaben gemäß Gesetz über elektronische Handelsregister und Genossenschaftsregister sowie das Unternehmensregister (EHUG):

Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf; Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts; Gerichtsstand: Hamburg

Vorstandsmitglieder: Prof. Dr. Guido Sauter (Vertreter des Vorsitzenden), Dr. Alexander Kirstein, Joachim Prölß, Prof. Dr. Dr. Uwe Koch-Gromus

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

[Comp-neuro] Postdoctoral position in Computational Neuroscience / Neural Engineering

A postdoctoral position in Computational Neuroscience or Neural Engineering is available in the laboratory of Dr Simon Schultz at Imperial College London, as part of the Marie Curie Initial Training Network "Neural Engineering Transformative Technologies" (

Department of Bioengineering
Experienced Researcher
Neural Engineering / Computational Neuroscience
Fixed salary in the range of £47,669 to £56,062 per annum
South Kensington Campus
Fixed term appointment for 24 months

Applications are invited for the above post to work with Dr Simon Schultz on a Marie Curie Initial Training Network funded project in Neural Engineering to underpin work at Imperial College on coding of sensory information in mammalian cortical circuits.

This is an exciting opportunity to contribute to an EU funded project in Neural Engineering with a focus on understanding neural computation. The Neural Coding Laboratory at Imperial College London is developing cutting edge optical technology for studying how information is encoded and processed in mammalian cortical circuits. This project will involve the development and application of novel algorithms based upon Information Theory for analysing multivariate neurophysiological data, with a specific focus on datasets collected by scanning large numbers of neurons and/or subcellular structures in vivo using two-photon microscopy. The ultimate aim of this work is to understand the general principles underlying the information processing operations performed by the mammalian cortical circuit.

Candidates must be in the first 5 years of their research careers and already be in possession of a doctoral degree in mathematics, physics, engineering or computational neuroscience.  Preference will be given to candidates with a strong theory background, experience in neurophysiological data analysis, and/or experience at developing novel neural scanning approaches with two-photon microscopy hardware.  To comply with the Marie Curie Actions rule for mobility applicants must not have resided, worked or studied in the UK for more than 12 months in the 3 years prior to Sept 2012.

This full-time post is available from the 3 September 2012 or as soon as possible thereafter and will be offered on a fixed-term contract for a period of 24 months.

Closing date – 15 August 2012
Informal enquiries may be addressed to Dr Simon Schultz (email For more information about the laboratory and research group, see

Our preferred method of application is online via our website at the following link: (select "Job Search" and enter the job reference no EN20120171FH) Please complete and upload the application form as directed and submit together with a detailed CV.  


Simon R Schultz
Director of Postgraduate Studies (Research)
Royal Society Industry Fellow and Senior Lecturer
Department of Bioengineering
Imperial College London
Phone: +44-207 594 1533
Member of National Committee, British Neuroscience Association

[Comp-neuro] LAST Call for applications ----- BCF/NWG-Course: Analysis and Models in Neurophysiology, Freiburg, Germany

%% BCF/NWG-Course: Analysis and Models in Neurophysiology %%
%% October 7-12, 2012 %%
%% Application deadline: June 30, 2012 %%

%% Aim of the course %%
The course is intended to provide advanced Diploma/Masters and PhD students, as well as young researchers from the neurosciences with approaches for the analysis of electrophysiological data and the theoretical concepts behind them.

The course includes various topics such as
• Neuron models and spike train statistics
• Point processes and correlation measures
• Systems and signals
• Local field potentials and synaptic plasticity

The course will consist of lectures in the morning and and matching exercises using Matlab and Mathematica. Experience with these software packages will be helpful but is not required for registration. The participants should have a basic understanding of scientific programming.
This course is designated especially for advanced diploma/M.Sc.-students and PhD-students (preferentially in their first year).

%% Faculty %%
• Dr. Stefan Rotter, Bernstein Center Freiburg, University of Freiburg
• Dr. Sonja Gruen, Research Center Jülich
• Dr. Ad Aertsen, Neurobiology & Biophysics, Faculty of Biology, University of Freiburg
• Dr. Ulrich Egert, Biomicrotechnology, Department of Microsystems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Freiburg

%% Application %%
Please apply by sending an email containing your CV and a meaningfull letter of motivation to

The course is limited to 20 participants.
Course fees:
NWG members: 50 Euro
others: 125 Euro

%% Course venue %%
Bernstein Center Freiburg,
Lecture Hall and Computerlab (ground floor),
Hansastr. 9a,
79104 Freiburg, Germany

%% Contact %%
Dr. Janina Kirsch,
Bernstein Center Freiburg
Tel: +49 761 203 9575
Fax: +49 761 203 9559

Comp-neuro mailing list

[visionlist] LAST Call for applications ----- BCF/NWG-Course: Analysis and Models in Neurophysiology, Freiburg, Germany

%% BCF/NWG-Course: Analysis and Models in Neurophysiology %%
%% October 7-12, 2012 %%
%% Application deadline: June 30, 2012 %%

%% Aim of the course %%
The course is intended to provide advanced Diploma/Masters and PhD students, as well as young researchers from the neurosciences with approaches for the analysis of electrophysiological data and the theoretical concepts behind them.

The course includes various topics such as
• Neuron models and spike train statistics
• Point processes and correlation measures
• Systems and signals
• Local field potentials and synaptic plasticity

The course will consist of lectures in the morning and and matching exercises using Matlab and Mathematica. Experience with these software packages will be helpful but is not required for registration. The participants should have a basic understanding of scientific programming.
This course is designated especially for advanced diploma/M.Sc.-students and PhD-students (preferentially in their first year).

%% Faculty %%
• Dr. Stefan Rotter, Bernstein Center Freiburg, University of Freiburg
• Dr. Sonja Gruen, Research Center Jülich
• Dr. Ad Aertsen, Neurobiology & Biophysics, Faculty of Biology, University of Freiburg
• Dr. Ulrich Egert, Biomicrotechnology, Department of Microsystems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Freiburg

%% Application %%
Please apply by sending an email containing your CV and a meaningfull letter of motivation to

The course is limited to 20 participants.
Course fees:
NWG members: 50 Euro
others: 125 Euro

%% Course venue %%
Bernstein Center Freiburg,
Lecture Hall and Computerlab (ground floor),
Hansastr. 9a,
79104 Freiburg, Germany

%% Contact %%
Dr. Janina Kirsch,
Bernstein Center Freiburg
Tel: +49 761 203 9575
Fax: +49 761 203 9559

visionlist mailing list

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

[Comp-neuro] Two Post-Docto​ral Positions in Computatio​nal Neurosc​ience

Applications for two NIH-funded post-doctoral positions are invited for
the Laboratory of Dr. Wilson Truccolo in the Department of Neuroscience at
Brown University, Providence, RI, USA. The first position is for the
development of data-driven stochastic models of multiscale neural dynamics
in human epilepsy. Data consist of simultaneous recordings of ensembles of
single neurons, local field potentials and ECoGs during seizure and
non-seizure states in individuals with intractable epilepsy. The project
involves a collaboration between the labs of Dr. Truccolo and Dr. Sydney
Cash (Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston). The second position is for
the development of stochastic models of intra- and inter-areal network
dynamics in the motor cortex of nonhuman primates performing motor tasks.
The project involves a collaboration between the labs of Dr. Truccolo and
Dr. John Donoghue (Brown University). The ideal candidates for these 2
positions will have a strong background in computational/theoretical
neuroscience and stochastic modeling of neural dynamics. For the first
position, prior experience with epilepsy research is a plus. Inquiries
should be addressed to Dr. Truccolo (
Applications including a CV, statement of research interests, and the names
and full contact details of three referees should be sent to:

Wilson Truccolo, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor (Research)
Department of Neuroscience & Brown Institute for Brain Science
Brown University, S.E. Frank Hall, 185 Meeting Street, Office 583
Providence - RI - 02912

Monday, June 18, 2012

[Comp-neuro] Seats are still available in Neuroscience stream at AACIMP-2012 Summer School, August 3 - 16 Kyiv, Ukraine

Dear colleagues,

Please draw attention of your undergraduate and first year PhD students
as well as other beginners in Neuroscience, that few seats are
still available in Neuroscience stream at VII Summer School
"Achievements and Applications of Contemporary Informatics, Mathematics
and Physics" (AACIMP-2012), August 3 to 16 Kyiv, Ukraine.

Registration is limited, and the deadline for registration
is June 20. Full information about the stream and school
in general is available online by the following link
and given below in a short form.

You can download poster of AACIMP-2012 here:


Ruben Tikidji-Hamburyan, PhD
Department cell biology and anatomy,
Health Sciences Center,
Louisiana State University,
New Orleans, LA,USA.


Stream Neuroscience
VII Summer School "Achievements and Applications of Contemporary
Informatics, Mathematics and Physics" (AACIMP-2012)

The stream "Neuroscience" introduces students, PhD students and young
scientists to Neuroscience field in general and Computational
Neuroscience one in particular from synaptic transmission up to neuro-
& brain- computer interface, including single neuron level, small
neural circuits, network and neural populations as well as an overview
of different structures and various functions of the brain.

Lectures and workshops will be presented by prominent scientists from
all over the world:

Dr. Pavel Belan (Bogomolets Institute of Physiology of the NASU, Kyiv,
Dr. Evgenia Belova (A.B. Kogan Research Institute for
Neurocybernetics, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia).
Dr. Anton Chizhov (Ioffe Physical Technical Institute of the Russian
Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia).
Prof. Gennady S.
Cymbalyuk (Dynamical Neuroscience Laboratory, Neuroscience Institute,
Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA).
Prof. Witali Dunin-Barkowski (Department of Neuroinfomatics, Scientific
Research Institute for System Analysis, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Moscow, Russia).
Prof. Péter Érdi (Center for Complex Systems Studies, Department of
Physics, Department of Psychology, Kalamazoo College, USA; Budapest
Complex Systems and Computational Neuroscience Group, Institute for
Particle and Nuclear Physics Wigner Research Centre for Physics,
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary; BCSC: Budapest Semester in
Cognitive Science).
Prof. Alexander A. Frolov (Mathematical Neurobiology of Learning Lab,
Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophisiology of RAS,
Moscow, Russia)
Dr. Nikolai Kononenko (Department of General Physiology of Nervous
System, Institute of Physiology, Kyiv, Ukraine).
Dr. Dmitry V. Nowicki (Institute of Mathematical Machines and Systems
Problems, Institute of Cybernetics of NAS of Ukraine; Department of
Computer Science, University of Massachusetts, USA)
Prof. John Rinzel (Center for Neural Science, New York University, New
York, USA; Tsinghua University, Beijing, China).
Dr. Elena Saftenku (Department of General Physiology of Nervous System,
Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology of the NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine)
Dr. Ruben Tikidji-Hamburyan (A.B.Kogan Research Institute for
Neurocybernetics, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia;
Louisiana State University, Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, USA).
Dr. Nana Voitenko (Department of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics,
Physics and Technology Center of the NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine).

The stream is positioned as an 'introduction to', thus it is the best
opportunity for young scientists to learn about Neuroscience and
Computational Neuroscience, take overview of recent history of these
fields from the 'first hands' as well as to be introduced to the new
trends such as Computational Neuropharmacology, Computational
Psychiatry and Computational Social Science. The stream is oriented to
ordinary audience with the background in natural sciences.

The stream is a part of VII Summer School "AACIMP-2012" that will take
place at the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic
Institute" (Kyiv, Ukraine), August 3 – 16, 2012. It will include
lectures, seminars and workshops.

In order to apply for participation in the stream, applicant will need
to complete and submit the Summer School online application form - Programme committee will make a
decision on applicant's admission within a month from a date of
submitting an application form. Late registration deadline is June 20,

Detailed information and application form are available on the
AACIMP-2012 website at

Organizing Committee:
Student Science Association
37, Peremohy avenue, building 1, room 299(15)
03056, Ukraine, Kyiv,
Telephone/Fax: +38 044 454 9243
Comp-neuro mailing list

[Comp-neuro] SAB Registration open, programme outline published

The Simulation of Adaptive Behavior conference 2012 takes place in
Odense in August. The technical programme takes place between the
28th and 30th; tutorials and workshops are on August 27th.

The list of accepted papers, workshops and tutorials is now available
on the conference web site at,
and registration is open (see
The early registration deadline is 14th July 2012.

The objective of this interdisciplinary conference is to bring
together researchers in computer science, artificial intelligence,
alife, control, robotics, neurosciences, ethology, evolutionary
biology, and related fields so as to further our understanding of the
behaviors and underlying mechanisms that allow natural and artificial
animals to adapt and survive in uncertain environments. The conference
will focus on experiments with well-defined models --- robot models,
computer simulation models, mathematical models --- designed to help
characterize and compare various organizational principles or
architectures underlying adaptive behavior in real animals and in
synthetic agents, the animats.

We hope to see you at the conference. For further details about the
conference, visit

Best wishes,

John Hallam, Christian Balkenius, Tom Ziemke

Comp-neuro mailing list

[Comp-neuro] PhD studentship in study of body ownership

University of Reading, UK,

School of Systems Engineering and

the Centre for Integrative Neuroscience and Neurodynamics




Project title: Virtual Hand – study in body ownership (how the brain models our own body)


Department/School: Brain Embodiments Lab at School of Systems Engineering, and Centre for Integrative Neuroscience and Neurodynamics, University of Reading.


Supervisors: Dr. Slawomir Nasuto, Prof Doug Saddy, Prof William Harwin and Dr Nick Holmes.


Project Overview: The feeling of body ownership arises as a result of the integration of multisensory information arriving at the central nervous system from the periphery. These integrative processes are effortless and automatic, so that body ownership (identification with one's biological body) and agency (identification as the agent of wilful actions) blend in our everyday feeling of self. However, under some circumstances these mechanisms break down, leading to some disturbing and often painful phenomena such as phantom limb.

This project aims to unravel how the brain integrates the multiple information streams with motor control and will thus contribute to better understanding how the notion of ‘self’ is constructed. The candidate will develop a novel experimental platform integrating a multisensory feedback system based around a virtual environment and haptic interfaces, together with a Brain Computer Interface decoding motor intentions.

The candidate will join a multidisciplinary and nurturing environment, and will collaborate closely with researchers at Systems Engineering, and the Centre for Integrative Neuroscience and Neurodynamics.

We are seeking an outstanding and highly motivated candidate who will have to be passionate about research, have interdisciplinary interests spanning cognitive sciences and engineering, and knowledge of the technologies behind Brain Computer Interfaces.



Applicants should hold or expect to gain a minimum of a 2:1 Bachelors Degree in a relevant subject (e.g., cognitive psychology, cybernetics, engineering, physics, mathematics, computer science)

Good analytic skills and knowledge of signal processing and statistics

Good programming skills (e.g., MATLAB, Python, C/C++) for data collection and analysis

Ability to contribute to the design of experimental hardware

Due to restrictions on funding, this studentship is only open to candidates from the UK/EU and those with permit to leave or remain in the UK


Funding Details: The studentship will be supported by an EPSRC project, will include an annual stipend as set by the EPSRC, and will cover tuition fees and research training costs.

Start date: 1st October 2012

Duration: 36 months


How to apply: To apply for this studentship please submit a PhD application to the University – see

A statement regarding your suitability for this research studentship should be included in the ‘Description of Proposed Research’ section at the end of the application form.

Please mark a studentship reference number GS12-09 clearly on the form.


Application Deadline: 29 June 2012


Further Enquiries: For further details please contact Dr Slawomir J Nasuto ( or Professor Doug Saddy (



Slawomir J Nasuto

Reader in Cybernetics

School Director of Postgraduate Research Studies

School of Systems Engineering

University of Reading

Reading, RG6 6AY, UK

Tel: +44 (0) 118 378 6701

Fax: +44 (0) 118 378 8220


Sunday, June 17, 2012

[Comp-neuro] [Deadline Extended] WiSARN 2012-Fall || October 8-11, 2012, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA- (In conjunction with IEEE MASS'12)

Call for Papers
The 6th International Workshop on
Wireless Sensor, Actuator and Robot Networks (WiSARN 2012-Fall)

To be held in conjunction with
The 9th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad hoc and Sensor
Systems (MASS'12)
October 8-11, 2012, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

Wireless sensor and actor networks (WSANs) are the confluence point
where the traditional fields of wireless sensor networks (WSNs),
robot networks and control theory meet. In WSAN, nodes collaborate
to accomplish distributed sensing and actuation tasks. Leveraged by
the control and mobility of actors, the networking process and
applications embrace a whole new set of possibilities. Actors may
deploy, repair and relocate sensors to improve coverage, build routes
and fix network partition to ensure data communication, change network
topology to shape routing patterns and balance energy consumption,
and respond to reported events in a timely and effective manner.
The benefits are limited only by imagination. As an emerging field,
WSANs are in need of new networking techniques, by which they can fully
exploit their particularities and potentials. WiSARN aims to bring
together state-of-the-art contributions on the design, specification
and implementation of architectures, algorithms and protocols for
current and future applications of WSAN. Original, unpublished
contributions are solicited in ALL aspects of WSANs, WSNs, robot
networks, and robotics and automation. Possible topics include,
but are not limited to:
* Autonomous sensor networks
* Emergent behavior in WSAN
* Modeling and simulation of WSAN
* WSAN architectural and operational models
* Autonomic and self-organizing coordination and communication
* Sensor-actor (robot) and actor-actor coordination
* Energy-efficient and real-time communication protocols
* Bandwidth-efficient and delay-tolerant communication protocols
* Distributed control and management in WSAN
* Neighborhood discovery and mobility management
* Communication protocols for swarms of mobile actors (robots)
* Map exploration and pattern formation of mobile robots
* Actor (robot) task assignment
* Biologically inspired communication
* Ecological systems
* Architectures and topology control
* Localization in WSAN
* Probabilistic integration in WSAN
* Quality of service, security and robustness issues
* Applications and prototypes
* Hybrid networks and wireless Internet
* Data management, gathering, aggregation and query processing

Papers must not exceed 6 single-spaced and two-column pages using
at least 10 point size type on 8.5 x 11 inches pages, and must be
formatted in strict accordance with the IEEE author guidelines.
Submissions are being considered with the understanding that they
describe original research, neither published nor under review
elsewhere. Accepted papers will be published in the IEEE Digital
Library after the conference and included in MASS 2012 proceedings.

Important dates
Paper submission: June 22, 2012
Author notification: July 15, 2012
Camera ready: August 6, 2012
Workshop date: October 11, 2012

General Chair
Ivan Stojmenovic, University of Ottawa, Canada

Program Co-Chairs:
Shuhui Yang, Purdue University, USA
Xu Li, Inria, France

Publicity Co-Chairs:
Liang He, Singapore Univ. Technology and Design, Singapore
Sandra Sendra, Universidad Polit?cnica de Valencia, Spain

Submission Chair:
Rafael Falcon, University of Ottawa, Canada
Comp-neuro mailing list

Saturday, June 16, 2012

[Comp-neuro] Funded PhD scholarship (Deadline July 4th, 2012)


University of Kent 50th Anniversary PhD Scholarship in Brain Signal Analysis for Cognitive Research


In preparation for the University’s 50th anniversary in 2015, Kent has established 100 doctoral scholarships to be awarded annually from 2012. Known as Kent’s 50th Anniversary Scholars, successful candidates will demonstrate academic excellence and outstanding research potential.


The Faculty of Science is offering to support an application for PhD scholarships based at School of Computing starting from 2012 Autumn term for a maximum of three years on a full time basis, subject to satisfactory academic progress. Scholarships will be available to UK, EU and overseas students and will cover home tuition fees plus a maintenance grant equivalent to the full UK Research Council rate (£13,590 in 2011/12). This award is also a Graduate Teaching Assistantship (GTA) award. The recipient is expected to hold a GTA contract and undertake a small amount of teaching. This provides a unique opportunity to the successful candidate with both a student scholarship award and the experience of being an employee of the University.


The proposed interdisciplinary research is focused on applying data analysis methods for brain activity analysis in mental and physical fatigue. The temporal locking of phase information between different neuron populations of the brain conveys important information about cognitive processes. The aim is to investigate novel methods to extract neuro-markers from EEG (Electroencephalography) for understanding cognitive function. The discovery of neuro-markers will have great potential in a wide range of applications (i.e. military, sports and medical applications).


For questions about research proposals please contact:

Dr. Caroline Li (, Prof. Howard Bowman (

Prof. Samuele Marcora ( 



Applicant must have a good first degree or good Master’s level degree. Ideally at Master level with relevant research experience. Previous research experience leading to publications would be an advantage. Shortlisted applicants will be expected to attend an interview.


How to apply 

Applicants must:

Complete the online form for making a formal application for a PhD (Doctor of Philosophy Research) in Computer Science at the University of Kent via

Send covering letter and CV to, including contact detail, research interest and your suitability for this award. Please also include experience, if any, of academic or professional research; experience, if any, of teaching or mentoring.


Deadline: 4 July, 2012.


Shortlisted candidates will be notified on 9 July, 2012 and must be available for interview on 12 July, 2012. For questions about applications, please contact

Kent provides a dynamic and challenging academic environment and has an excellent reputation for collaborative research with universities around the world. For more information about Kent’s research portfolio and how to apply