Tuesday, November 6, 2012

[Comp-neuro] Frontiers Research Topic: "Information-based methods for neuroimaging: analyzing structure, function and dynamics"

In collaboration with Frontiers in Neuroscience, we are currently organizing a Research Topic, "Information-based methods for neuroimaging: analyzing structure, function and dynamics".

The proposed structure of this Research Topic is provided below.

Host Specialty: Frontiers in Neuroinformatics

Research Topic Title: Information-based methods for neuroimaging: analyzing structure, function and dynamics

Topic Editor(s): Daniele Marinazzo, Jesus Cortes, Miguel Angel Muñoz

Description: The aim of this Research Topic is to discuss the state of the art on the use of Information-based methods in the analysis of neuroimaging data.
Information-based methods, typically built as extensions of the Shannon Entropy, are at the basis of model-free approaches which, being based on probability distributions rather than on specific expectations, can account for all possible non-linearities present in the data in a model-independent fashion.
Thus, for instance, to compute the statistical dependence between two random variables, the Mutual Information accounts for the information bits that the two variables are sharing (if it is zero, the two variables are statistically independent).
Mutual Information-like methods can also be applied on interacting dynamical variables described by time-series, thus addressing the uncertainty reduction (or information) in one variable by conditioning on another set of variables. This is the spirit of the growing-in-popularity Transfer Entropy (Schreiber 2000), an Information-based method to estimate directed influence.
In the last years, different Information-based methods have been shown to be flexible and powerful tools to analyze neuroimaging data, with a wide range of different methodologies, including formulations-based on bivariate vs multivariate representations, frequency vs time domains, etc. Apart from methodological issues, the information bit as a common unit represents a convenient way to open the road for comparison and integration between different measurements of neuroimaging data in three complementary contexts: Structural Connectivity, Dynamical (Functional and Effective) Connectivity, and Consciousness.
Mutual Information-based methods have provided new insights about common-principles in brain organization, showing the existence of an active default network when the brain is at rest. It is not clear, however, how this default network is generated, the different modules are intra-interacting, or disappearing  in the presence of stimulation. Some of these open-questions at the functional level might find their mechanisms on their structural correlates. A key question is the link between structure and function and the use of structural priors for the understanding of the functional connectivity measures.
As effective connectivity is concerned, recently a common framework has been proposed for Transfer Entropy and Granger Causality, a well-established methodology originally based on autoregressive models. This framework can open the way to new theories and applications.
Information flow and transfer in the brain can be straightforwardly associated to consciousness: will the knowledge of the structure and the dynamics lead us to define consciousness? Do different information processing pathways exist in different consciousness states, or is simply the amount of information different?  Information based measurements could help to clarify this issue.
A Research Topic bringing together contributions from researchers from different backgrounds which are either developing new approaches, or applying existing methodologies to new data would be an optimal round table and starting platform for the development and validation of new Information-based methodologies for the understanding of  brain structure, function, and dynamics.

Abstract Submission Deadline: March 01, 2013
Article Submission Deadline: November 01, 2013

Frontiers Research Topics are designed to be an organized, encyclopedic coverage of a particular research area, and a forum for discussion and debate. Contributions can be of different article types (Original Research, Methods, Hypothesis & Theory, and others).

Our Research Topic has a dedicated homepage on the Frontiers website, where contributing articles are accumulated and discussions can be easily held. Once all articles are published, the topic will be compiled into an e-book, which can be sent to foundations that fund your research, to journalists and press agencies, and to any number of other organizations. As the ultimate reference source from leading scientists, Frontiers Research Topic articles become highly cited.

Frontiers is a Swiss-based, open access publisher. As such an article accepted for publication incurs a publishing fee, which varies depending on the article type. The publishing fee for accepted articles is below average compared to most other open access journals - and lower than subscription-based journals that apply page and color figure charges. Moreover, for Research Topic articles, the publishing fee is discounted quite steeply thanks to the support of the Frontiers Research Foundation. Details on Frontiers' fees can be found at http://www.frontiersin.org/about/PublishingFees.

When published, your article will be freely available to visitors to the Frontiers site, and will be indexed in PubMed and other academic archives. As an author in Frontiers, you will retain the copyright to your own paper and all figures.

For more information about this topic and Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, please visit:


Should you choose to participate, please confirm by sending a quick email and then your abstract using the following link: http://www.frontiersin.org/submissioninfo

Daniele Marinazzo, Jesus M Cortes, Miguel Angel Muñoz

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