Monday, April 29, 2013

[Comp-neuro] [Frontiers Research Topic] One-to-many: psychological ambiguity and diffusive connectivity.

Dear all,

We would like to inform you of a Research Topic for a special issue of the Frontiers publisher group. 

The title is "One-to-many: psychological ambiguity and diffusive connectivity."  The goal is to create connections between recent empirical findings and theoretical models associated with the non-linearity of the brain. Therefore, we welcome submission from experts of theoretical, computational research on a related issue, as well as any experimental research. 

More information related to this Research Topic is provided here:

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

Sincerely yours.

Sharlene Newman, Indiana University
Michiko Sakaki, South California University
Masanori Shimono, Indiana University

[Comp-neuro] SPIKE-distance (incl. new Matlab source codes & movies)

Dear all,
may I kindly draw your attention to our paper on the new SPIKE-distance which has just appeared in the Journal of Neurophysiology (Section 'Innovative methodology'). This improved method opens up several novel possibilities in spike train analysis. Among others, it allows to estimate spike train synchrony online and in real-time.
Monitoring spike train synchrony
Kreuz T, Chicharro D, Houghton C, Andrzejak RG, Mormann F

Abstract: Recently, the SPIKE-distance has been proposed as a parameter-free and time-scale independent measure of spike train synchrony. This measure is time-resolved since it relies on instantaneous estimates of spike train dissimilarity. However, its original definition led to spuriously high instantaneous values for event-like firing patterns. Here we present a substantial improvement of this measure which eliminates this shortcoming. The reliability gained allows us to track changes in instantaneous clustering, i.e., time-localized patterns of (dis)similarity among multiple spike trains. Additional new features include selective and triggered temporal averaging as well as the instantaneous comparison of spike train groups. In a second step, a causal SPIKE-distance is defined such that the instantaneous values of dissimilarity rely on past information only so that time-resolved spike train synchrony can be estimated in real-time. We demonstrate that these methods are capable of extracting valuable information from field data by monitoring the synchrony between neuronal spike trains during an epileptic seizure. Finally, the applicability of both the regular and the real-time SPIKE-distance to continuous data is illustrated on model electroencephalographic (EEG) recordings.

The paper is accessible on the webpage of the Journal of Neurophysiology:
A preprint can also be found on the arXiv (with permission):
On my webpage you can find improved Matlab source codes (including documentation):

The updated version uses MEX- instead of m-files for the most time-consuming calculations. This reduces the computational cost considerably (on my notebook the code running all the examples below was faster by a factor of 85). It also uses a new output-structure 'results' which allows easy access not only to the overall dissimilarity value but also to the measure profiles and the pairwise distance matrices for all the selected measures.

The source codes include a file "Distances_Main_Demo" which reproduces the figures 1-9 and the movie from the paper. To provide a better illustration of what is done the parameter settings for each figure are detailed on the webpage.
On the same webpage there are also two movies (in both avi and wmv format) which demonstrate the new method best. The first one is described in Fig. 9 of the paper, the second one extends the analysis performed in Fig. 7D-F.
Finally, a short review on the SPIKE-distance can be found on Scholarpedia:
Kreuz T
Scholarpedia 7(12), 30652 (2012).

Any feedback is very welcome!
Best regards,
Thomas Kreuz

Institute for complex systems, CNR
Via Madonna del Piano 10
50119 Sesto Fiorentino (Italy)
Tel: +39-349-0748506

[Comp-neuro] Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience - Research Topic on: Criticality as a signature of healthy neural systems: multi-scale experimental and computational studies

Dear collegues,


we are glad to invite you to submit research papers as well as reviews to the Research Topic: “Criticality as a signature of healthy neural systems: multi-scale experimental and computational studies”

published on Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. More information can be found on the following link:


The main objective of this Research Topic is to investigate the emergence/disruption of the emergent critical-like states in healthy/impaired neural systems and to link these phenomena to the underlying cellular and network features, with specific attention to structural connectivity. In particular, we would like this Research Topic to collect contributions coming from the study of neural systems at different levels of architectural complexity (from in vitro neuronal ensembles up to the human brain imaged by fMRI).

Here are some of the questions which we would like to be investigated within this Research Topic:

i)                    Does loss of scale invariance lead to brain disorders?

ii)                   How is scale free behavior related to network properties?

iii)                 How the scale free behavior observed in the network activity recorded in small neuronal populations relate to the emergence of absence of a characteristic scale at higher levels?

iv)                 How criticality in spontaneous activity affects evoked activity?

v)                  How close is the brain to be in a critical state?

vi)                 How can lack of scale be reconciled with the many studies that identify specific characteristic regions and structures being involved in specific tasks?


We welcome researchers to contribute original research, review and methodological articles related to the aforementioned topics. Research articles which combine theoretical and experimental work are especially encouraged.

Deadline for manuscript submission

Deadline for abstract submission: 01 June 2013

Deadline for full article submission: 01 Dec 2013

Topic editors

Paolo Massobrio, University of Genova, ITALY

Lucilla de Arcangelis, Second University of Napoli, ITALY

Valentina Pasquale, Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genova, ITALY

Henrik Jeldtoft Jensen, Imperial College, UK

Dietmar Plenz, National Institute of Mental Health, NIH, USA


Thanks in advance for your interest!



Paolo Massobrio, PhD
ering and Bio-Nano Technology - NBT - Lab
Department of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics and System Engineering - DIBRIS
University of Genova
Via Opera Pia 11A, 16145, GENOVA, ITALY
Phone: +39-010-3532761
Fax: +39-010-3532764



Friday, April 26, 2013

[Comp-neuro] Champalimaud Neuroscience Doctoral Programme 2013: Call for Applications

Applications from independent thinkers with curiosity, creativity and drive are sought to join the International Neuroscience Doctoral Programme (INDP). The INDP aims to provide students of diverse backgrounds with a foundation to perform innovative and interdisciplinary work in basic or applied neuroscience at an international level.

Successful applicants will demonstrate the ability to tackle difficult intellectual challenges, to learn new skills and ways of thinking and to work passionately as part of a research team. Predoctoral training in quantitative disciplines (e.g. physics, mathematics, computer science), biological sciences (e.g. biology, medicine, bioengineering) or related fields is important. Previous research experience is also desirable but not required. Applicants should have a master degree and/or a 4+ year undergraduate degree, or will be obtaining their degree by no later than December 31, 2013.

The INDP is associated to the Champalimaud Neuroscience Programme (CNP), comprising fifteen research groups with a focus on the neural circuits and systems underlying mind and behaviour.

Before beginning research on a thesis project, admitted students will complete one semester of intensive courses and will be able to perform summer rotations in CNP laboratories. Courses are led by distinguished local and invited international scientists. The topics of instruction include molecular & cellular biology, ecology & evolution, neurophysiology & neuroanatomy, learning & development, sensory & motor systems, and computational & cognitive neuroscience, and all courses have a practical component comprising exercises, small projects, and experimental work in the INDP dedicated teaching laboratory. The overall format emphasizes participation, team-work and informal interaction in both classroom and laboratory.

The INDP is supported by funding from the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, FCT) and the Champalimaud Foundation. Full tuition and stipend to perform courses and thesis work will be ensured for successful applicants of all nationalities for a period of 4 years. English is the official language of the INDP.

The application deadline is May 18st, 2013. Further information on eligibility, entrance requirements and application procedures is available at


Alfonso Renart, PhD

Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown
Av. Brasília s/n (Doca de Pedrouços)
1400-038 Lisboa, Portugal

Thursday, April 25, 2013

[Comp-neuro] Scholarpedia Leaders: $10k Brain Corporation Prize in Computational Neuroscience

June 30 is the deadline for the $10k Brain Corporation Prize in Computational Neuroscience.

The prize will be given to the best article in computational neuroscience
determined by the number of Google +1 votes.

The award will be given during the CNS meeting in July in Paris.

Currently, the leaders are:
Google+ count: 254
Google+ count: 242
Google+ count: 238
Google+ count: 122
Google+ count: 88

A typical time to get first 100 votes is just a few weeks, so people joining in May still have a chance of winning the competition.

In order to reserve an article in Scholarpedia for this competition, students and post-docs will need to team up with established experts on the topic they choose to cover.

For details on how to participate, please visit:

Dr. Eugene M. Izhikevich
Founder and CEO of Brain Corporation, San Diego, California
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Scholarpedia -- the peer-reviewed open-access encyclopedia.

Comp-neuro mailing list

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

[Comp-neuro] Fwd: Call for Application for a three year Doctoral Fellowship (2013-2016)

Call for Application for a three year Doctoral Fellowship (2013-2016)

Research Unit / Team :
UMR 1272 Insect Physiology: Signalling and Communication. INRA - Versailles
Team « Coding, Behaviour, Modulation »

Title :
Role of intrinsic properties of projection neurons of the antennal lobe
in the moth olfactory coding: experiments and modelling.

Contacts :
Supervisor: Philippe LUCAS ( - Tel: +33
1 30 83 37 37)
Co-supervisor: Dominique MARTINEZ ( - Tel:
+33 3 83 59 30 71)

Summary :
One of the major goals of neuroscience is to elucidate the mechanisms
allowing the transformation of sensory information in appropriate motor
responses. Our project aims at better understanding how the insect
central nervous system encodes the olfactory information. Indeed, the
integration of the signal delivered by olfactory receptor neurons by the
neuronal network of the antennal lobe, the primary olfactory brain
centre, remains poorly understood. If the role of local neurons in the
transformation of response patterns between olfactory receptor neurons
and projection neurons (PNs) is well documented, the contribution of
intrinsic properties of PNs in this process has been largely neglected.
By a combination of electrophysiology, molecular biology and modelling,
we will analyse the electrophysiological properties of PNs and their
contribution to the transformation of the representation of the
olfactory stimulus on the model of the sex pheromone perception in male
moths. The electrophysiological properties of PNs will be analysed by in
situ patch-clamp, with a special focus on Ca2+-dependent conductances
(INRA, Versailles). Experimental data will allow developing a
biophysical model of PN (LORIA, Nancy). Finally, we will investigate
whether a K+ channel of the SK type that we recently cloned and which is
expressed in antennal lobes contributes to the olfactory coding. For
this purpose, single cell RT-PCR will be developed to localize this
channel within the antennal lobe and its role will be analyzed by an
RNAi approach (UPMC, Paris).

Selection :
The application files and selection procedure are available on the
website of the doctoral school "Brain, Cognition, Behaviour": English speaking students are welcome to
apply as the application file and the selection can be done in English.
Candidates are invited to contact Philippe LUCAS and/or Dominique
MARTINEZ rapidly as applications files must be sent no later than June 5

Comp-neuro mailing list

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

[Comp-neuro] Neuroinformatics Scientist position at the International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility

The International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility is recruiting a Neuroinformatics Scientist to complement its Secretariat team, based at Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden.

The ideal candidate will provide critical oversight and management of the development and deployment of large scale cloud-based infrastructure for neuroscience data management, analysis and integration.

Further details and online application are available via this link:

Best regards

Linda Lanyon
Linda Lanyon PhD CEng CITP MBCS
Acting Deputy Director & Head of Programs
International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility Secretariat
Karolinska Institutet
Nobels väg 15A
SE-171 77 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: +46 8 524 86919
Fax: +46 8 524 87094

Personal Research Program:    

[Comp-neuro] Postdoctoral Fellow in Natural Vision, Autonomous Robots, and Augmented Reality

Dear Sir,


  Please post the following job ad to the list.




 Zhiyong Yang





Postdoctoral Fellow in Natural Vision, Autonomous Robots, and Augmented Reality

Brain and Behavior Discovery Institute

Georgia Regents University

Augusta, GA, USA


The laboratory of Zhiyong Yang at the Brain and Behavior Discovery Institute of Georgia

Regents University has an opening for a postdoctoral fellow. The research projects

include developing computational models of natural vision and visual neurons,

implementing the models in autonomous robots, and applying them to create augmented



The ideal candidate will have strong background in computer vision, pattern recognition,

machine learning, and visual neuroscience. He/she will also have strong programming

skills and be available to perform statistical modeling of very large datasets of natural

visual scenes, objects, activities, and events. Experience in large-scale GPU-based

computing and/or probabilistic programming is a plus.


The Brain and Behavior Discovery Institute is an exciting new center for systems

neuroscience, with plans for rapid expansion in the immediate future. Georgia Regents

University has strong research programs in other neuro-scientific disciplines, including

molecular, cellular and developmental neuroscience, and a variety of related clinical

disciplines. Opportunities for research collaborations also exist at the adjacent VA



To apply, please send (i) curriculum vitae and (ii) a cover letter describing research

accomplishments and interests, and have two to three letters of recommendation sent to

Zhiyong Yang at the address below, preferably as email attachments.

Georgia Regents University is an AA/EEO/Equal Access/ADA Employer.


Contact Information:


Zhiyong Yang, Ph.D.

Brain and Behavior Discovery Institute

Georgia Regents University

1120 15th Street, CL-3036

Augusta, GA 30912-2697

Phone: (706) 721-4506

Fax: (706) 721-3829




Augusta State University and Georgia Health Sciences University have consolidated to become Georgia Regents University. Effective January 9, 2013, my email address has changed to Please update your address book to reflect this change.

Monday, April 22, 2013

[Comp-neuro] A postdoctoral position studying color coding and vision prosthesis with optogenetics

A Postdoctoral position is available immediately for studying the processing of color information in primate cortex, and applying optogentics to vision prosthesis. The projects is under the direction of Youping Xiao, Ph.D., at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, New York.

We employ a multidisciplinary approach, including optical imaging of intrinsic signal and voltage-sensitive dye, 128-channel single-unit recording, optogentics, neuroanatomy, advanced statistical analysis, and modeling. Our current research focuses on the population-based representation of color or other information, functional connectivity between neurons, and the development of cortical vision prosthesis using optogenetics. We will continue our close collaboration with colleagues within the institution and those at Watson Research Center, IBM. The research environment at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine and the IBM provides many opportunities for developing a broader knowledge of vision research and computational neuroscience, with access to state of the art computational facilities. For further information about the Xiao Lab see

The candidate should have a doctoral degree in any field of natural science or engineering with experience in working on electrophysiological or neuroimaging data. A strong quantitative background and experience in programming (Matlab, C/C++, or Python) is preferred.

Interested individuals should send a statement of interests, CV, 2-3 letters of reference, PDFs of representative publications, and the expected date of availability to Dr. Xiao (

The Mount Sinai School of Medicine is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.  

Youping Xiao, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Neuroscience and Friedman Brain Institute
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
One Gustave L. Levy Place, Box 1065
New York, NY 10029
Tel: 908-312-0574
Fax: 212-849-2611



[Comp-neuro] Two PhD positions on computational models of motor control in the basal ganglia, University of Freiburg, Germany

Two PhD positions on computational models of motor control in the basal

Two PhD positions are available in the new junior research group of Robert
Schmidt in the excellence cluster BrainLinks-BrainTools in Freiburg. We
currently assemble a young, ambitious research team to study neural
foundations of action selection, initiation and execution at the
intersection of computational and experimental neuroscience.

One of our major goals is to develop a new generation of computational
models of the basal ganglia that provide novel treatment strategies for
neurological disorders like Parkinson's disease. To develop these models we
make use of large existing data sets of electrophysiological recordings from
rats performing behavioral tasks. The projects include collaborations with
computational and experimental groups in Freiburg (e.g. Bernstein Center),
but also internationally (e.g. University of Michigan, USA; CNRS Bordeaux,

The ideal candidate has profound neurobiological knowledge, programming
skills (e.g. Matlab or Python), and mathematical expertise. High motivation
and interest in neuroscientific research is mandatory. Applicants with
degrees from interdisciplinary programs such as computational neuroscience
or cognitive science are highly welcome, but applicants from other
disciplines such as biology or physics are also strongly encouraged to

The positions are for three years each (65% TV-L E13) and are starting in
August 2013 (or later). Please send your CV together with a brief research
statement (max. 2 pages) as PDF files to The application
deadline is the 31st May, 2013.

Comp-neuro mailing list

[visionlist] Two PhD positions on computational models of motor control in the basal ganglia, University of Freiburg, Germany

Two PhD positions on computational models of motor control in the basal

Two PhD positions are available in the new junior research group of Robert
Schmidt in the excellence cluster BrainLinks-BrainTools in Freiburg. We
currently assemble a young, ambitious research team to study neural
foundations of action selection, initiation and execution at the
intersection of computational and experimental neuroscience.

One of our major goals is to develop a new generation of computational
models of the basal ganglia that provide novel treatment strategies for
neurological disorders like Parkinson's disease. To develop these models we
make use of large existing data sets of electrophysiological recordings from
rats performing behavioral tasks. The projects include collaborations with
computational and experimental groups in Freiburg (e.g. Bernstein Center),
but also internationally (e.g. University of Michigan, USA; CNRS Bordeaux,

The ideal candidate has profound neurobiological knowledge, programming
skills (e.g. Matlab or Python), and mathematical expertise. High motivation
and interest in neuroscientific research is mandatory. Applicants with
degrees from interdisciplinary programs such as computational neuroscience
or cognitive science are highly welcome, but applicants from other
disciplines such as biology or physics are also strongly encouraged to

The positions are for three years each (65% TV-L E13) and are starting in
August 2013 (or later). Please send your CV together with a brief research
statement (max. 2 pages) as PDF files to The application
deadline is the 31st May, 2013.

visionlist mailing list

[Comp-neuro] Postdoctoral Position in Neuroenergetics and Cellular Bases of Brain Energy Metabolism

The Kaust Visualization Lab ( ) and the Blue
Brain Project ( ) are investigating the issue
of high energy consumption in current high performance computing. One
of the aims of the collaboration is to build unifying models inspired
by the highly efficient coupling mechanisms existing between
information processing by neural circuits and energy utilization.

For this collaboration we are looking for a postdoc with experience in
neuroenergetics and the cellular bases of brain energy metabolism.
This position is based in Lausanne, Switzerland.

Please see the following link for more details:
Comp-neuro mailing list

[Comp-neuro] IEEE WISP 2013 - Special Session on Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence

Dear Researcher,

We are organizing a Special Session on Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence at the 8th IEEE International Symposium on
Intelligent Signal Processing to be held in Funchal, Madeira Island, Portugal from 16 to 18 of September 2013.

The aim of the special session is to bring together researchers using Artificial Intelligence Tools that can be applied to Signal Processing, with the hope to function as a support for the improvement of current technologies and the growth of new integrated methodologies for the use of Artificial Intelligence Tools and solutions to Signal Processing.

The session scope includes but is not limited to the following topics:
Applications of Artificial Neural Networks, Fuzzy-Logic and other Artificial Intelligence Tools to Signal Processing
Training algorithms
Architecture of Artificial Intelligence Tools
Hardware implementation of Artificial Intelligence Tools
Processing of biological signals
Industrial applications of Artificial Intelligence

Dates and deadlines for the Call for Papers:
Paper submission - May 2, 2013
Acceptance notification - June 9, 2013
Full paper submission and early payment - July 15, 2013

Best regards,

Morgado Dias
General Co-Chair WISP 2013

Com os melhores cumprimentos,

Com os melhores cumprimentos,

Morgado Dias

Universidade da Madeira

Morgado Dias

Electrónica e Telecomunicações
Pró-Reitor da Universidade da Madeira 

Presidente da APCA


Tel.: 291-705307

International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing - WISP 2013


[Comp-neuro] Chair / Reader in Neuroengineering at Univeristy of Leicester, UK

Professor / Reader in Neuroengineering or Biosignal Processing
Department of Engineering - Univeristy of Leicester

We wish to appoint a Professor in Neuroengineering or Biosignal Processing. A strong preference will be given to candidates with research strength in the analysis, recording or modelling of biological signals, particularly those related to neural activity, but other specializations will be considered.

You will have an outstanding academic record including an excellent publication record and a reputation for attracting funding to support your research. You will be expected to provide strong leadership to deliver our ambitious research plans. We will offer you the opportunity to join our lively Department, which has an international outlook and recognised strengths in research and teaching.

For further information and to apply on-line, please visit:

Further particulars can be obtained at:

The successful candidate will be part of the Bioengineering group at the Department of Engineering, closely linked to the recently created Centre for Systems Neuroscience ( Informal enquiries are welcome and should be made to the Head of Bioengineering Group, Professor Rodrigo Quian Quiroga (

The closing date for this post is midnight on 20 May 2013.
Interviews are expected to take place on 28 June 2013.

Rodrigo Quian Quiroga
Centre for Systems Neuroscience
University of Leicester
mailing list

[Comp-neuro] Reminder: Call for applications: Brains for Brains Awards 2013

Dear colleagues,

please let me remind you that, for the fourth time, the Bernstein Association for Computational Neuroscience is announcing the "Brains for Brains Young Researchers' Computational Neuroscience Award".

The call is open for researchers of any nationality who have contributed to a peer reviewed publication (as coauthor) or peer reviewed conference abstract (as first author) that was submitted before starting their doctoral studies, is written in English and was accepted or published in 2012 or 2013.

The award comprises 500 € prize money, plus a travel grant of up to 2.000 € to cover a trip to Germany, including participation in the Bernstein Conference 2013 in Tübingen (, and an individually planned visit to up to two German research institutions in Computational Neuroscience.

Deadline for application is April 26, 2013.

Detailed information about the application procedure can be found under:

Best regards,

Simone Cardoso

Dr. Simone Cardoso de Oliveira
Bernstein Network Computational Neuroscience
Head of the Bernstein Coordination Site (BCOS)
University of Freiburg
Hansastr. 9A
79104 Freiburg, Germany

phone: +49-761-203-9583
fax:    +49-761-203-9585

Twitter: NNCN_Germany
YouTube: Bernstein TV
Facebook: Bernstein Network Computational Neuroscience, Germany
LinkedIn: Bernstein Network Computational Neuroscience, Germany

[Comp-neuro] Postdoctoral Fellow in Computational Neuroscience

The School of Engineering and Science at Jacobs University Bremen has an opening for a full time position as


Postdoctoral Fellow in Computational Neuroscience (f/m)


This is an exciting opportunity to join a multidisciplinary team addressing fundamental questions in Neuroscience. The research aims at designing a cortical circuit model for working-memory and decision-making based on existing experimental data. The methods will focus on mathematical and numerical analysis of neural circuit models, and data analysis of physiological recordings. The model will produce novel experimental predictions, guide further analysis, and ultimately provide a better understanding of the neural mechanisms of memory and decision-making.

The ideal candidate has a background in Computational Neuroscience, Applied Mathematics or Physics and is highly motivated to have an interdisciplinary experience between Neuroscience and Applied Math.


Jacobs University offers competitive salaries based on qualification and experience. The initial contract will be for two years. The prospective starting date is September 1st, 2013, but earlier dates may also be considered.


Applicants should send a brief statement of research interests, a CV and the names of three references.


Only Electronic submissions in PDF-format to: Alberto Bernacchia at


Files will be destroyed once the search is completed.


Closing date: Applications will be reviewed until the position is filled.


Information on the School of Engineering and Science can be found on


Jacobs University is an equal opportunity employer.

Jacobs University Bremen is a private university offering degrees in engineering, natural sciences, humanities and social sciences at bachelor´s, master´s and doctoral levels. Jacobs University has more than 1,300 students from over 100 different countries.

[Comp-neuro] 2 PhD positions in Computational Neuroscience

The School of Engineering and Science at Jacobs University Bremen has an opening for two full time


PhD positions in Computational Neuroscience (f/m)


The PhD candidate will work on a research project focusing on the effects of memory and past experience on decision-making, and the biophysical constraints that neural circuits impose on behavioral performance. The candidate will be involved in the analysis and computer simulation of neural circuit models based on existing experimental data. The ultimate goal of the project is to design a cortical circuit model able to match both the physiology of cortical neurons and the performance of subjects in decision-making tasks. The model will produce novel experimental predictions, guide further analysis, and ultimately provide a better understanding of the neural mechanisms of memory and decision-making.

The ideal candidate has a Master (or equivalent degree) in Neuroscience, Applied Mathematics or Physics and has previous experience in network analysis and computer programming.

The ideal candidate is also highly motivated to contribute to the interdisciplinary field of Computational Neuroscience and to improve our understanding of the functioning of brain circuits.


Jacobs University offers competitive salaries based on qualification and experience. The initial contract will be for two years. The prospective starting date is September 1st, 2013, but earlier dates may also be considered.


Applicants should send a brief statement of research interests, CV, references, degree certificates and samples of academic work.


Only Electronic submissions in PDF-format to: Alberto Bernacchia at


Files will be destroyed once the search is completed.


Closing date: Applications will be reviewed until the position is filled.


Information on the School of Engineering and Science can be found on


Jacobs University is an equal opportunity employer.

Jacobs University Bremen is a private university offering degrees in engineering, natural sciences, humanities and social sciences at bachelor´s, master´s and doctoral levels. Jacobs University has more than 1,300 students from over 100 different countries.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

[Comp-neuro] Deadline extension: EMERGING 2013 || September 29 - October 3, 2013 - Porto, Portugal



Please consider to contribute to and/or forward to the appropriate groups the following opportunity to submit and publish original scientific results to EMERGING 2013.

The submission deadline is May 12, 2013.

Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended article versions to one of the IARIA Journals:


============== EMERGING 2013 | Call for Papers ===============


EMERGING 2013, The Fifth International Conference on Emerging Network Intelligence

September 29 - October 3, 2013 - Porto, Portugal

General page:

Call for Papers:

- regular papers
- short papers (work in progress)
- posters

Submission page:

Submission deadline: May 12, 2013

Sponsored by IARIA,
Extended versions of selected papers will be published in IARIA Journals:
Print proceedings will be available via Curran Associates, Inc.:
Articles will be archived in the free access ThinkMind Digital Library:

Please note the Poster and Work in Progress options.

The topics suggested by the conference can be discussed in term of concepts, state of the art, research, standards, implementations, running experiments, applications, and industrial case studies. Authors are invited to submit complete unpublished papers, which are not under review in any other conference or journal in the following, but not limited to, topic areas.

All tracks are open to both research and industry contributions, in terms of Regular papers, Posters, Work in progress, Technical/marketing/business presentations, Demos, Tutorials, and Panels.

Before submission, please check and comply with the Editorial rules:

EMERGING 2013 Topics (topics and submission details: see CfP on the site)

Evolution of telecommunications network architectures

Advanced communications systems; New configurable protocols stacks and real-time mechanisms; Applications and services for next-generation architectures; Scalability and manageability of network architectures; Opportunistic and cooperative communications; Next generation networks (NGN); Optical networks; Wireless networks, Mobile networks; Ad-Hoc, Sensor, Vehicle networks; Access, Residential, Last mile networks; Home, Body and Personal area Networks; Active networks; Self Organizing networks; Storage area networks; Peer-to-Peer and overlay networks; Network measurements and testbeds; Transmission technologies (e.g., Ultra Wideband)

Applications and services

Peer-to-Peer applications and services; Web services; Mobile applications; Entertainment and games; Home automation; Surveillance, Home monitoring; Medical and health applications; e-commerce, m-commerce; Location-based services; Real-time and multimedia applications; Real-time services over IP

Networking and service differentiation

Network design and planning; Network management and control; Traffic engineering; Traffic control, Flow control; Congestion and admission control; QoS support and Performance; Routing, Switching, QoS routing; Mobility management; Multicast; Service reliability, availability

Emerging networking

Network coding; Visualization of network behavior; Semantic routing; Network flow processing; Cross-layer design and optimization; High-speed networking; Context-aware mobile networking

Advanced network elements

Network processors; Content addressable memories; Multi-core processors; Context-aware reconfigurable devices; Portable and wearable devices; Mobile multimedia devices


Power optimization in data centers; Delay and fault tolerant networks; Video conferencing and telepresence systems; Resource optimization; Context-aware optimization


Quality of service; Quality of performance; Quality of experience; Quality of data; Quality of modeling; Quality-oriented routing; Quality of context /degradation, trust, uncertainty, consistency/


Cognitive radio; Autonomic and dependable communications; Ambient systems; Identity and location in mobile environments; Smart homes; Brain-like networking and computing


Resource discovery; Service discovery; Content discovery; Flaws/anomaly discovery


Anticipative control and management; Data protection strategies; Collaborative Internet attack containment; Micro-kernels and robustness


Trust and credential negotiations; Privacy; Intrusion prevention and containment; Security in virtualization approach; Architectural support for security; Security, privacy, and dependability; Security in cooperative networks


Programmable and real-time network traffic measurements; Adaptive scheduling; Network and application load balancing; High-performance capabilities-based networks; Software techniques to improve virtualized I/O performance


Frequently changing user profile; User mobility and ubiquity; Scalable and resource intensive multi-user distributed applications; User identity and multi-service access technologies; End-user perception; End-user based networking and service orchestration; End-user activity recognition with multiple goals


Mobile Internet services; Mobility-oriented protocols /Mobile IP, etc./; Wearable and/or mobile technologies; Self-discovery and localizing entities; Seamless handover


Ubiquitous computing; Pervasive and embedded systems; Ubiquitous sustainability; Sensing location; Activity patterns; Smart environments in the workplaces; Ubiquitous cities

Semantics and Adaptiveness

Content-aware networks; Network-aware applications; Semantic Web; Adaptive systems; Adaptive applications; Self-adaptiveness; Ontology-based adaptation; Semantic profile; Semantic service orchestration; Multi-technology semantic integration /sensors, ehealth, geosensing, etc./


Wireless access technologies / WLANs, WiMAX, satellite, 3G, etc./; Multi-hop wireless networks /sensor, ad hoc, mesh, etc./; Wireless QoS and reliability; Wireless body area networks; Energy optimization

Emerging technologies and applications

Vehicular ad hoc networks; Bio-inspired networks; Tele-medicine/e-health networks; User-centric services and applications; Autonomous and autonomic systems; Self-manageable systems; Emerging computation business models; Social networks; eSociety

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